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Emily Short
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This is for the Bring Out Your Dead page content (not the infobox).
'''Bring Out Your Dead''' was an event organized by [[Emily Short]] in which participants shared projects or experiments that they didn't expect to finish. ==Dates== * June 18, 2016: Event begins. * June 25, 2016: Event ends. ==Links== ===General Information=== * [ Bring Out Your Dead] - Official jam page at * Announcement posts at [[Emily Short|Emily Short's]] blog: ** {{link|url=|archive=|Bring Out Your Dead}} - May 26, 2016. ** {{link|url=|archive=|Bring Out Your Dead is Open!}} - June 18, 2016. ===Discussion=== * {{link|url=|Bring Out Your Dead discussion}} - thread at on June 19, 2016. * {{link|url= |archive=|Bring Out Your Dead}} by [[Sam Kabo Ashwell]]. * Eulogies by [[Sam Kabo Ashwell]]: {{link|url= |archive=|1}}, {{link|url= |archive=|2}}. * {{link|url=|archive=|Two Quick BOYD Discoveries}} by [[Hanon Ondricek]]. * {{link|url=|archive=|Bring Out Your Dead: Interface}} by [[Emily Short]]. ===Author Commentary=== * {{ac|url= |archive=|Bring Out Your Dead: IFDB Spelunking 2}} by [[Sam Kabo Ashwell]]. * {{ac|url= |archive=|Bring Out Your Dead: Matchmaker}} by [[Sam Kabo Ashwell]]. * {{ac|url= |archive=|Bring Out Your Dead: The Shotgun Adagio}} by [[Sam Kabo Ashwell]]. * {{ac|url= |archive=|Bring Out Your Dead: Flashpaper}} by [[Andrew Plotkin]]. * {{ac|url= |archive=|Design notes for Always Dog and Not-Your-Person}} by [[Carolyn VanEseltine]]. * {{ac|url= |archive=|Design notes for Five Gods Exiled}} by [[Carolyn VanEseltine]]. [[Category:Competitions]] [[Category:2016]]