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This is for the DinoComp page content (not the infobox).
DinoComp was an unranked [[minicomp]] held in 2000. The theme, of course, was dinosaurs. In announcing the comp, Cadre quoted [[Matthew Amster-Burton]] as having asked in 1996: "Are there any text games prominently featuring dinosaurs? If not, does anyone besides me think it would be cool?" Cadre went on: :Let's find out! In honor of Matthew's anniversary, February 29th, I am announcing Dino-Comp, an IF non-contest much like 1998's Chicken Comp, only with more dinosaurs and fewer chickens. What I'm looking for are very short IF games -- if you spend more than a handful of afternoons on this, you're missing the point -- which, like the quote above says, prominently feature dinosaurs. *How* the dinosaurs figure into the game is entirely up to you. ==Games== * ''[[d2d]]'' ([[Simon Lamont]]; [[Z-code]]). * ''[[Deep Brow Lifter]]'' ([[Neil deMause]]; [[TADS 2]]). * ''[[Dino Hunt]]'' ([[Admiral Jota]]; Z-code). * ''[[A Dino's Night Out]]'' ([[Aris Katsaris]]; Z-code). * ''[[Dinosaur Dinnertime!]]'' ([[David A. Clysdale]]; Z-code). * ''[[Dinosaur Love]]'' (Anonymous; TADS 2). * ''[[Encryptment]]'' ([[Taro Ogawa]]; text file only). * ''[[An Important Appointment]]'' ([[Jennifer Earl]]; Z-code). * ''[[The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner]]'' ([[Jason McWright]]; [[Hugo]]). * ''[[Revenger]]'' ([[Robb Sherwin]]; Z-code). * ''[[ROWR!]]'' ([[Gunther Schmidl]]; Z-code). * ''[[A Stegosaur's Night Out]]'' ([[Ravi Rajkumar]] as "Quentin D. Thompson"; Z-code). * ''[[Very Old Dog]]'' ([[Tony Delgado]]; Z-code). * ''[[Why did the Dino cross the Road?]]'' ([[Richard Bos]]; Z-code). ==Links== * [ Announcement post] on [[]] * [ Games release post] on rgif * A copy of the DinoComp webpage was formerly available {{link | deadurl= | archive= | text=here}} * {{ifarchive index|games/mini-comps/dino/}}. [[Category:Minicomp]] [[Category:2000]]