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The Annual IF Competition
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Annual Interactive Fiction Competition
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Gerry Kevin Wilson
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This is for the IFComp 1996 page content (not the infobox).
The '''2nd Annual Interactive Fiction Competition''' was organized by [[Gerry Kevin Wilson| G. Kevin Wilson]]. ==1996 IF Comp Results== # ''[[The Meteor, the Stone and a Long Glass of Sherbet]]'' ([[Graham Nelson]] as "Angela M. Horns"; [[Z-code]]). # ''[[Tapestry]]'' ([[Daniel Ravipinto]]; Z-code). # ''[[Delusions]]'' ([[C. E. Forman]] as "the author"; Z-code). # ''[[Small World]]'' ([[Andrew Pontious]]; [[TADS 2]]). # ''[[Kissing the Buddha's Feet]]'' ([[Leon Lin]]; TADS 2). # ''[[Fear]]'' ([[Chuan-Tze Teo]]; Z-code). # ''[[Maiden of the Moonlight]]'' ([[Brian P. Dean]]; TADS 2). # ''[[Wearing the Claw]]'' ([[Paul O'Brian]]; Z-code). # ''[[Alien Abduction?]]'' ([[Charles Gerlach]]; TADS 2). # ''[[Aayela]]'' ([[Magnus Olsson]]; TADS 2). # ''[[Lists and Lists]]'' ([[Andrew Plotkin]]; Z-code). # ''[[Ralph (by Schmidt)|Ralph]]'' ([[Miron Schmidt]]; Z-code). # ''[[Reverberations]]'' ([[Russell Wain Glasser]]; Z-code). # ''[[The Land Beyond the Picket Fence]]'' ([[Martin Oehm]]; [[AGT]]). # ''[[In the End]]'' ([[Joe Mason]]; Z-code). # ''[[Piece of Mind]]'' ([[Giles Boutel]]; Z-code). # ''[[Phlegm]]'' ([[Jason Dyer]] as "Adjacent Drooler"; Z-code). # ''[[Sir Ramic Hobbs and the Oriental Wok]]'' ([[Gil Williamson]]; MS-DOS). # ''[[Stargazer: Prologue]]'' ([[Jonathan Fry]]; Z-code). # ''[[Of Forms Unknown]]'' ([[Chris Markwyn]]; Z-code). # ''[[The Curse of Eldor]]'' ([[Stuart Allen]]; [[JACL]]). # ''[[Don't Be Late]]'' ([[Greg Ewing]]; [[Alan]]). # ''[[The House Of The Stalker]]'' ([[Jason Clayton White]]; Z-code). # ''[[Rippled Flesh]]'' ([[Ryan Stevens]] as "Rybread Celsius"; Z-code). # ''[[Punkirita Quest One: Liquid]]'' ([[Ryan Stevens]] as "Rybread Celsius"; Z-code). # ''[[My First Stupid Game]]'' ([[Dan McPherson]]; MS-DOS). Note that the following game was in the competition, but did not place because of insufficient votes, probably because Rexx-Adventure only runs on OS/2: * ''[[Promoted]]'' ([[Mike DeSanto]]; [[Rexx-Adventure]]). ==1996 Miss Congeniality Award== This award was voted by the authors of the entries. # ''Tapestry'' ([[Daniel Ravipinto]]; [[Z-code]]). ==Links== * [ Results, on]. * {{link|deadurl=|archive=|Older ifcomp site}}, including rules. * Newsgroup postings: ** {{raifmsg|cmid=c/_9rzVFYcGw8/m/9dbk43uYpWAJ|Updated I-F Competition Announcement}} (13-Apr-1996). ** {{raifmsg|msgid=507fn0$|cmid=c/BBCS6aSHtjY/m/H_K5RlchLxQJ|News on the 2nd Annual I-F Competition}} (30-Aug-1996). ** {{rgifmsg||cmid=c/uHfKc9-bcrQ/m/bGa3fqc3eFkJ|IF Competition 96: Here we go!}} (19-Oct-1996). ** {{rgifmsg|msgid=57vh97$|cmid=c/iqt2YA--zHA/m/00toyt3brZwJ|[Contest] ANNOUNCING THE RESULTS!}} (02-Dec-1996). * {{link|deadurl=|Baf's Guide}}. * {{ifarchive index|games/competition96/}}. * {{spag issue|10}}: Special 1996 I-F Competition Issue - February 3, 1997. * {{Mathbrush ifcomp review|year=1996|url=}}. ===Reviews=== * [ Reviews] by [[Richard Barnett]] * [ Reviews] by [[Suzanne Britton]] * [ Reviews] by [[Matthew Crosby]] * [ Reviews] by [[Neil deMause]] * [ Reviews: A-M] and [ O-Z] by [[C.E. Forman]] * [ Reviews] by [[Roger Giner-Sorolla]] * [ First impressions, Pt 1] and [ Pt 2] by [[Stephen Granade]] * [ Random thoughts] by [[Steven Howard]] * [ Reviews] by [[Paul O'Brian]] * [ Reviews] by [[Brad O'Donnell]] * [ Reviews] by [[Andrew Plotkin]] * [ Reviews] by [[Andrew D. Pontious]] * {{link|deadurl=|archive=|Reviews}} by [[Lucian P. Smith]] * [ Reviews: part 1] and [ part 2] by [[Chuan-Tze Teo]] {{IFCompNavBox}} [[Category:Annual IF Competition]] [[Category:1996]]