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This is for the NarraScope 2020 Game Jam page content (not the infobox).
The [[NarraScope 2020 Game Jam]] was an unranked game jam that overlapped with the [[NarraScope 2020|NarraScope 2020 Online Conference]]. The theme was Growth: <blockquote>Growth, cousin to that daunting word Change. Sometimes unsightly, sometimes uncontrolled, sometimes painful. Despite the massive set of problems confronting the world right now, we can still imagine a future with better versions of ourselves. Ideally, better worlds altogether.</blockquote> ==Dates== * May 25, 2020: Submissions open. * June 08, 2020: Submissions due. ==Entries== 39 entries. * [[Moving (On)]] by [[quackoquack]] * [[Drive Around 2.1]] by [[disrespect]] * [[Mycelium]] by [[Kender]] * [[Security]] by [[Harder You Fools]] * [[if I'm broken, you are too.]] by [[Nessa Cannon]] * [[Rain]] by [[kaelynmauve]] * [[Animal Sighting Simulator]] by [[Amy Clare Fontaine]] * [[Play the Hand You're Dealt]] by StandOffSoftware * [[A Blank Page]] by [[Albert Antero]] * [[Are You Sure?]] by [[Janos Honkonen]] * [[grow]] by [[gg]] * [[A Sizable Adventure]] by [[Janos Biro]] * [[Quarrinfluencing]] by [[3LadyHeadsWithGlasses]] * [[Crementum Game]] by [[irLh]] * [[Sohoek Ekalmoe]] by [[Caleb Wilson]] * [[Ouija Destiny]] by [[Manpans]] * [[Greenmother's Garden]] by [[Blue Rook Studios]] * [[Narcissi]] by [[Teela Brown]] * [[Scattered Jack]] by [[panurge]] * [[The Witch Of The Molderwoods]] by [[nlem]] * [[Carpool (Proof of Concept)]] by [[Klew]] * [[A Quick Sketch]] by [[h_s_gerard]] * [[The Ivy Grows]] by [[cygni]] * [[Crestfallen]] by [[Storysinger Presents]] * [[Roots of Another Kind]] by [[Cam]] * [[Bluebeard's Bride - Release Thyself]] by [[ogreteeth]] * [[Laika]] by [[ian michael waddell]] * [[Like A Stick In A River]] by [[rdeol001]] * [[Drawlike]] by [[Survival]] * [[The Redoubt]] by [[The Redoubt]] * [[Tower of Rapunzel]] by [[tundish]] * [[Unfolding]] by [[Marlene Delrive]] * [[vampire dating sim]] by [[rainbowmessenger]] * [[Harold]] by [[Dave Pickett]] * [[Content Moderator Sim]] by [[samplereality]] * [[Spore-Bearing Fruiting Body]] by [[oddgrue]] * [[Chamber of Chaos]] by [[Selsynn]] * [[This Lime-tree Bower my Prison]] by [[Garish Eye]] * [[Timeout in the Wasteland]] by [[Eric Brown|Feneric]] ==Links== * [ NarraScope 2020 Game Jam] website on Entries are viewable and playable online. * [ NarraScope Discord] #game-jam channel. A place for participants to meet and collaborate on game jam projects and ideas. * [ NarraScope 2020 Online Conference schedule]. [[Category:2020]] [[Category:NarraScope]]