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This is for the PAX East 2011 Speed-IF page content (not the infobox).
The seventy-first [[Speed-IF]], with no particular name, took place at [[PAX East 2011]] in Boston on March 12th, 2011. The organizer was [[David Cornelson]]. Topics were chosen via a madlibs in the early afternoon. Authors had until 10:30pm to send their games to the organizer. ==Premise== Topic List included: * A character whose name starts with the letter 'M' * Sending Jim and Kevin on a mission to locate something * The Tomb of the Unknown Tool * A 100 year old typewriter * Pluto * Braintree or Alewife * One of the titles on the poster of made up titles (online version of the poster: * Chicken fingers * Explosions * Vacuum ==Entries== * ''[[Bored Ladders]]'' ("[[Taleslinger]]"; Z-code). * ''[[Brain of the Night Guest]]'' ([[Colin Sandel]] and [[Carolyn VanEseltine]]; Z-code). * ''[[Delusions Again]]'' ([[Duncan Bowsman]]; Z-code). * ''[[Digging Time!]]'' ([[J. Robinson Wheeler|Rob Wheeler]]; Z-code). * ''[[Merk (game)|Merk]]'' ([[Jesse McGrew]] and [[Kate Matthews]]; Z-code). * ''[[The Right Tool]]'' ([[Christopher Huang]]; Z-code). * ''[[A Scurvy of Wonders]]'' ([[Rob Dubbin]], [[Courtney Stanton]], and [[Darius Kazemi]]). Inform 7 source code; play in browser or download the ZBLORB [ here]. * ''[[A Shadow of Helpfulman]]'' ([[Clara Raubertas]]; Z-code). * ''[[Vault of Hugo II: Electric Boogaloo]]'' ("[[Roody Yogurt]]"; Hugo). ==Links== * {{ifdb comp|PAX East 2011 Speed-IF|s1fv5jujmmo216hg}}. * {{ifarchive unbox|games/mini-comps/speedif/|}}. All the games entered in this speed-if. * Download the games from the {{link|deadurl=|speedif directory}} at [[Textfyre]]. ===Spoilers=== * {{ClubFloyd|20110303}}. Previous: [[Even Newer New Year's Speed IF]] / Next: [[Speed-IF Jacket 4]] [[Category:Speed-IF]] [[Category:2011]]