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IFDB event ID: Enter the IFDB ID for this event here. It can be obtained from that website's URL, e.g. xnv146g8r27q86wq for First Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (1995).
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Annual Interactive Fiction Competition
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manonamoraAutumn ChenSophia de AugustineLapin Lunaire×manonamora×Autumn Chen×Sophia de Augustine×Lapin Lunaire
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This is for the Single Choice Jam 2023 page content (not the infobox).
AdvancedSpecial charactersHelpHeadingLevel 2Level 3Level 4Level 5FormatInsertLatinLatin extendedIPASymbolsGreekGreek extendedCyrillicArabicArabic extendedHebrewBanglaTamilTeluguSinhalaDevanagariGujaratiThaiLaoKhmerCanadian AboriginalRunesÁáÀàÂâÄäÃãǍǎĀāĂ㥹ÅåĆćĈĉÇçČčĊċĐđĎďÉéÈèÊêËëĚěĒēĔĕĖėĘęĜĝĢģĞğĠġĤĥĦħÍíÌìÎîÏïĨĩǏǐĪīĬĭİıĮįĴĵĶķĹĺĻļĽľŁłŃńÑñŅņŇňÓóÒòÔôÖöÕõǑǒŌōŎŏǪǫŐőŔŕŖŗŘřŚśŜŝŞşŠšȘșȚțŤťÚúÙùÛûÜüŨũŮůǓǔŪūǖǘǚǜŬŭŲųŰűŴŵÝýŶŷŸÿȲȳŹźŽžŻżÆæǢǣØøŒœßÐðÞþƏəFormattingLinksHeadingsListsFilesReferencesDiscussionDescriptionWhat you typeWhat you getItalic''Italic text''Italic textBold'''Bold text'''Bold textBold & italic'''''Bold & italic text'''''Bold & italic textThe '''Single Choice Jam''' was an unranked jam organised by the ''[[Neo-Interactives]]'' group in 2023. It was a short unranked jam where you have only one restriction: entrants can give players only one choice or action in the whole game. (This jam was re-run [[Single Choice Jam 2024|in 2024]].) ===Constraints and Rules=== * There should only be One Choice in the entire entry - only one page in the game may have multiple options to choose from. ** Other links between passages are allowed, as long as there is only one link on each page (with the exception of the page that has the One Choice). *** Non-story passages like Title Pages and Side Menu (settings, codex, etc...) are not restricted by this rule. ** Parser-like games are allowed only one room with more than one action. Any other room can only have one action. *** Movement (NSEW), inspections (X/LOOK AT), etc.. all count as one action; HELP and WALKTHROUGH do not. * The Jam is open to any program/medium, as long as the piece can be considered Interactive Fiction (i.e. the game is interactive, and its focus is on the text). * The Jam is open to any language. * The Jam is open to NSFW content, as long as you indicate it in your submission. * Entrants can submit up to 3 entries! ===Links=== * [ IntFiction forum thread]. [[Category:2023]]