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Softworks AGT Contest
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Annual Interactive Fiction Competition
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This is for the Softworks AGT Contest 1992 page content (not the infobox).
{{stub|more info needed, etc.}} ==Background== Organised by Softworks, the publisher of the Adventure Game Toolkit, it was held on the Compuserve Gamer's forum. ==Softworks AGT Contest 1992== Group Effort: * ''[[Shades of Gray]]'' ([[Mark Baker]], [[Steve Bauman]], [[Belisana]], [[Hercules]], [[Mike Laskey]], [[Judith Pintar]], and [[Cindy Yans]]). Individual: * ''[[Cliff Diver 2: Purchased Sight Unseen]]'' ([[Patrick Farley]]). Honorable Mention: * ''[[The Caves of Dyanty]]'' ([[Nathan Fritz]]). * ''[[The Detective]]'' ([[Kit W. Carson]]). * ''[[A Journey into Xanth]]'' ([[Neil Sorenson]]). * ''[[The Lady in Green]]'' ([[D. F. Stone]]). * ''[[The Murder of Jane Kranz]]'' ([[Christian Andersen]]). * ''[[Oklib's Revenge]]'' ([[Sue Medley]]). * ''[[Quest for the Black Pearl]]'' ([[Ralph W. Varble]]). * ''[[Reruns Again]]'' ([[Neil Sorenson]]). * ''[[Space Aliens Laughed at my Cardigan]]'' ([[Andre M. Boyle]]). * ''[[The Tempest (by Grigg)|The Tempest]]'' ([[David R. Grigg]]). * ''[[TimeSquared Chapter One: Centroplis]]'' ([[Bert Lee]]). * ''[[What? No Low-Alcohol Mineral Water?!]]'' ([[Andre M. Boyle]]). * ''[[What Personal Computer?]]'' ([[John Minson]]). * ''[[Wraith Blaster]]'' ([[Ken Dibble]]). * ''[[Zim Greenleaf's Laboratory]]'' ([[Melody Grandy]]). ==Links== * [ Information on BAF]. * Official announcement of results: {{ifarchive|programming/agt/contests/|agt6.txt}}. [[Category:AGT Competitions]] [[Category:1992]]