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This is for the Speed-IF 18 page content (not the infobox).
The thirty-second [[Speed-IF]] was on January 26, 2002 and organized by [[Adam Biltcliffe]]. ==Premise== Write a game in which the [[PC]] is fighting for his religion, which should involve the worship of [[Cheese-friendly Game Directory|cheese]] and/or alcohol. Try to include pasta, Decepticons or Windows XP. Bonus points for referring to the contents of [[ifMUD]] quotebooks (type 'quotelist' to see the list). Deadline is 21:15 MUDtime ... go! ==Notes== * The 'quotelist' command on ifMud no longer works. Sometime (when?) after this speed-if, quotebooks were replaced by the mud quote system. That is, quotes are now saved into their own database rather than an awkward set of book objects, and the new 'quote' command was created so users could access the quotes. Type 'help quote' on ifMud to learn more about the quote system. ==Games== * ''[[Fish And Spaceships]]'' ([[Adam Biltcliffe]]; [[Z-code]]). File: sp18.z5. * ''[[Glossary (game)|Glossary]]'' ([[Caleb Wilson]]; Z-code). File: glossary.z5. * ''[[Manna]]'' ([[Sam Kabo Ashwell]]; [[TADS 2]]). File: skaspeed.gam. * ''[[The Suffering Supplicant]]'' (Anonymous; TADS 2). File: mcp_012602.gam. * ''[[Zymurgy]]'' ([[Roger Carbol]]; TADS 2). File: zymurgy.gam. ==Links== * {{ifarchive unbox|games/mini-comps/speedif/|}}: the Speed-IF 18 games. Previous: [[Speed-IF y=1/x]] / Next: [[Speed-IF EXTREME]] [[Category:Speed-IF]] [[Category:2002]]