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This is for the Speed-IF 4 page content (not the infobox).
The fourth [[Speed-IF]] was on September 10, 1999, and was organized by [[David Cornelson]]. ==Premise== Create a game in 1 hour with 3 rooms, a bathroom, on top of the Eiffel Tower, with an onion, and Notradamus. GO! ==Games== * [[untitled (speed.gam)|untitled]] ([[Lenny Pitts]]; [[TADS 2]]). File: speed.gam. * [[untitled (onion2.gam)|untitled]] (Anonymous; TADS 2). File: onion2.gam. * ''[[Digging For Onions]]'' ([[Christopher Huang]]; [[Z-code]]). File: ONIONDIG.Z5. * ''[[FIRST WAVE, Then Jump Up and Down Screaming]]'' ([[L. Ross Raszewski]]; Z-code). File: n.z5. * ''[[I don't remember why this game is called "Onion"]]'' ([[Dan Shiovitz]]; TADS 2). File: ONION.GAM. * ''[[Nostradamus's Onion Sandwich]]'' ([[David Cornelson]]; Z-code). File: onion4.z5. * ''[[The Onion of Destiny]]'' ([[Jason Dyer]]; [[Hugo]]). File: DESTINY.HEX. * ''[[OnNoEf]]'' ([[Evin Robertson]]; Z-code). File: OnNoEf.z5. * ''[[The Profesee]]'' ([[Dan Schmidt]]; Z-code). File: Profesee.z5. * ''[[Tears May Fall]]'' ([[Ryan Freebern]]; Z-code). File: prophecy.z5. ==Links== * {{ifarchive unbox|games/mini-comps/speedif/|}} - the Speed-IF 4 games. Previous: [[Speed-IF 3]] / Next: [[Speed-IF 5]] [[Category:Speed-IF]] [[Category:1999]]