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This is for the Speed-IF Third Anniversary page content (not the infobox).
The twenty-ninth [[Speed-IF]] was on September 29, 2001 and organized by [[David Cornelson]]. ==Premise== Story is holloween. Location is to be determined. Premise contains leather and a character named Voodoo Pimp Daddy. Sign below for other requirements or optional items. When we reach 10 items, the game begins. Please, one premise item per person:<br> [[Duncan_Cross | BoingBall]]: prosthetic nose<br> [[Andrew_Schepler | schep]]: maize maze (of course)<br> [[Peter_Berman | mcp]]: a broken television set<br> [[Matthew_Murray | Hloif]]: Shrapnel. Any kind.<br> [[Emily_Short | Emily]]: location: somewhere on the Mediterranean coastline.<br> [[Stephen_Granade | Sargent]]: item: a glowstick<br> [[ctate]]: item: live domesticated animal(s)<br> [[Dan_Schmidt | dfan]]: celery<br> [[Philip_Swartzleonard | Starweaver]]: A pumpkin, of course. Preferably talking and or exploding.<br> [[David_Cornelson | Jarb]]: a yacht<br> [[Christopher_Huang | Miseri]]: Cap'n Morgan and his merry henchmen, Ben & Jerry.<br> Jarb: additional items are welcome from those that intend to write a game... voyeurs stay home<br> Jarb: midnight CDT tomorrow ==Games== * ''[[The Carthage Corn Maze]]'' (Anonymous; [[TADS 2]]). File: mcp_s3a.gam. * ''[[Finding Henry]]'' ([[Duncan Cross]]; [[Z-code]]). File: henry.z5. * ''[[Leather]]'' ([[Christopher Tate]]; [[Hugo]]). File: leather-s3a.hex. * ''[[Leatherworld]]'' ([[Roger Carbol]]; TADS 2). File: lethwrld.gam. ==Links== * {{ifarchive unbox|games/mini-comps/speedif/|}}: the Speed-IF Third Anniverary games. Previous: [[Speed-IF 17]] / Next: [[Speed-IF -1]] [[Category:Speed-IF]] [[Category:2001]]