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WalkthroughComp, also known as TelegramComp, was run in May 2001 by [[Emily Short]]. ==Premise== On April 18, 2001, Emily announced that she had received the following telegram, and asked authors to submit either a game or a transcript of a game by May 21, 2001 that would fit the walkthrough described. <blockquote>HERE IS WALKTHROUGH YOU REQUESTED STOP YOU WILL SEE WHAT TO DO STOP THINK STOP X UPHOLSTER SEAT ZRBLM TAKE ALL N LISTEN FOLKS DRAW SWORD WAVE FAN DANCE ABOUT PAINT FENCE TAKE NEXT TURN SMOOTH DUCK DOWN ANESTHETI I EAT IT UNLOCK DOOR SWITCH PLOVER EGG STAND ON EAST SWING KNIFE LION PRAY GET MOUSE Z NW WAKE FISH SWIM DRINK DRINK READ LOOK UP DRESS BOOK SHIP PACKAGE PRESENT BOWL DROP TOY SLEEP PLAY STRING PICK POLISH APPLE EYE MIRROR POSE UNDO TRIM CORSET PUT GREY ON BLUE STAKE LIGHT FIRE HELP MAN STATION STOP WATCH XYZZY</blockquote> ==Games== * ''[[Constraints (by Granade)|Constraints]]'' ([[Stephen Granade]]; [[TADS 2]]). Winner of WalkthroughComp, Game Division. * ''[[Dreams Run Solid]]'' ([[Caleb Wilson]]; [[Z-code]]). * ''[[Fit for a Queen]]'' ([[Sean Barrett]] as "Margia McPolti"; Z-code). ({{link|deadurl=|archive=|backstory}}) * ''[[Jigsaw 2]]'' ([[Adam Cadre]]; Z-code). * ''[[Twilight in the Garden of Exile]]'' ([[Alexander Spiridonov]] as "Alan Stanley Long"; Z-code). * ''[[A Walk Through Forever]]'' ([[Duncan Cross]]; Z-code). ==Transcripts== * ''[[Time Bastard]]'' ([[Matt Fendahleen]] as "Matt Francisfordcapollasdracula"). Winner of Walkthrough Comp, Transcript Division. * ''[[Persistance de la Vision]]'' ([[J. Robinson Wheeler]]). Received an Honourable Mention. * ''[[Lighan ses Lion]]'' ([[Andrew Plotkin]]) ([ web page]). Received a Special Award for Causing Emily Short the Most Grief. * ''[[A Venture]]'' ([[Denis Hirschfeldt]] as "Hyeronimus Quain"). * ''[[Deus Ex Machina]]'' ([[Gunther Schmidl]]). * ''[[Bollywood Hijinx]]'' ([[Jamie Murray]]). * ''[[A Very Strange Day in the Life of a Maid]]'' ([[Mel Brittingham]]). * ''[[BOWL DROP TOY SLEEP PLAY]]'' ([[Sean Barrett]]) ({{link|deadurl=|archive=|link}}). Submitted May 25; not an official entry. * ''[[XYYZY MEANS NEVER HAVING TO SAY SORRY]]'' ([[Randall M! Gee]]) ({{link|deadurl=|archive=|link}}). Submitted June 4; not an official entry. ==See also== * ''[[To Otherwhere and Back]]'' ([[Greg Ewing]]; 2001; ALAN). Originally meant for this comp, but missed the deadline and was submitted to [[IF Comp 2001]] instead. ==Links== * {{ifarchive|games/mini-comps/walk/|}} -- the games, and the official transcripts. * [ The games on IFDB]. * {{link|deadurl=|archive=|Comp announcement on Emily's website}}. * [ Comp announcement] on [[raif]]. * [ Results announcement] on raif. * [ Additional results discussion] on raif. ===Reviews=== * {{link|deadurl=|archive=|Reviews}} (and results) by [[Emily Short]]. * [ Reviews] by [[Sean Barrett]]. [[Category:Minicomp]] [[Category:2001]]