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This is for the Xcomp 2005 page content (not the infobox).
''Note: This Xcomp has nothing to do with [[XComp Minicomp 1999]].'' '''Xcomp''' is the 5th minicomp in the [[Nanocomp]] series of [[:Category:Spanish|Spanish]] minicomps. The Xcomp focuses on experimental IF works in the Spanish language. The original submission deadline was extended to June 1st, 2005. The voting period was from June 9th to July 17th, 2005. ==Entries== ''Note: All games are in Spanish.'' * ''[[Age Arena]]'' ([[Carlos Gómez]]; AGE (Java)). * ''[[El Cantar de Romanfredo]]'' ([[Aryekaix]]; [[Z-code]]). * ''[[Impulso]]'' ([[Expio]]; [[Adrift]]). * ''[[jug2k]]'' ([[Antonio Márquez Marín]] as "Lumpi"; Common Lisp). * ''[[Lemniscata]]'' ([[Depresiv]]; Z-code). * ''[[La Musa]]'' ([[Javier Carrascosa]]; [[Glulx]]). * ''[[Zendyr's Labyrinth]]'' ([[Carlos Gómez]]; AGE (Java)). ==Results== Games were judged in two categories: "General" and "Rara" ("Weird"): ===General=== * ''La Musa'': 8.33 * ''Romanfredo'': 8.14 * ''Lemniscata'': 8 * ''Age Arena'': 6.5 * ''Impulso'': 6.5 * ''Zendyr's Labyrinth'': 5.83 * ''jug2k'': 1.8 ===Rara=== * ''Impulso'': 9.25 * ''La Musa'': 7 * ''Lemniscata'': 6 * ''Age Arena'': 5.33 * ''Zendyr's Labyrinth'': 5.33 * ''jug2k'': 5 * ''Romanfredo'': 4.25 There were three physical trophies awarded: * ''La Musa'' won "Mejor obra" (Best Work). This trophy is inscribed with the word "Artística'. * ''Impulso'' won "Obra más RARA" (Most WEIRD Work). This trophy is inscribed with the word "Nano". * ''Age Arena'' won "Mejor obra experimental" (Most experimental Work). This trophy is inscribed with the word "Experimental", and was a prize granted by Xcomp's organizer(s). ==Links== * [ Xcomp homepage]. Note, this website is in Spanish. * {{ifarchive index|games/competitions-spanish/xcomp2005/}}. [[Category:Nanocomp]] [[Category:2005]]