Speed-IF Pi-Theta-Aleph-Parallax
Speed-IF Pi-Theta-Aleph-Parallax | |
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The twenty-seventh Speed-IF was on July 21, 2001 and organized by Adam Biltcliffe.
You have two hours to write a game whose title features one or more of the words 'pi', 'theta', 'aleph' and 'parallax'. It must include clunky expository dialogue and make reference to Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (the latter possibly in connection with mamster). The cast of heroes and villains should feature at least one of Alvin the Chipmunk, Jarb the Inventor, Asterix, and June, the stinky lady from down the hall. Locations may include the moon, a giant gas pipe or the interior of a computer, and the plot should invlove either cell division or a weather-related disaster. Bonus points for references to tetherball, froot loops, the Jewish Bankers' Conspiracy, hypercubes, eating paste and/or play-doh, china hutches or Snorks. Bonus prize for anyone who includes graphics or artistic justification for not doing so. Deadline is 21:15 mudtime. Go!
Note from Adam Biltcliffe, August 2024
I came across the record of this SpeedIF more than twenty years after it took place and was mortified to see "Jewish Bankers' Conspiracy" among the list of prompts in the premise. When I organised this event as a teenager, I was unaware of the history of anti-Semitic conspiracy theory tropes and the harm done by promulgating them. I wish I had not included that part of the premise and I am sincerely sorry for any harm that may have come about as a result.
- The Grade 3 Parallax (Christopher Shelton; Z-code). File: ptap.z5.
- A Parallax Dream (Andrew MacKinnon; Z-code). File: parallaxdream.z5.
- The Parallax Moon Bar Conspiracy (Adam Biltcliffe; Z-code). File: moonbar.z5.
- Peter Theta Fixes the Holodeck (Duncan Cross; Z-code). File: pt.z5.
- Pick Up the IF-Archive and Pi (Jacob Wildstrom; Z-code). File: PUTIAP.z5.
- The Relentless Adventures of Captain Speedo Episode 112 - Alert on Aleph V! (Gilles Duchesne; Hugo). File: Speedo112.hex.
- Squeaky on the Moon (David Welbourn; Z-code). File: squeaky.z5.
- The Theta Point (A. O. Muñiz; Z-code). File: thpoint.z5.
- Download or view contents of SpeedIF_PTAP.zip, at the IF Archive.
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