Talk:Erins 2002
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This is the talk page for Erins 2002. See How to edit IFWiki to find out about using talk pages, and editing the wiki generally.
I don't know what is meant by "New Age" or "First Age" in these award names. Is there an explanation available? -- David Welbourn 11:08, 30 May 2005 (Central Daylight Time)
I have checked and a 'new age game' was a game written after 2000, and a 'first age game' written earlier than that. Richard Otter 00:59, 04-Jun-2005
Thanks, Rotter. Picky clarification: Are games written during 2000 also 'new age games'? -- David Welbourn 04:48, 6 Jun 2005 (Central Daylight Time)