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This is the talk page for Fate. See How to edit IFWiki to find out about using talk pages, and editing the wiki generally.
With repsect to OpenFate: The release of the source code definitly _is_ going to happen. In fact, under the terms of the license under which I published Fate, I have already committed myself to giving the source to anyone who asks me for it. The only thing that is keeping me from releasing the source is that I will have to change it in order to comply with the newest versions of Inform.
OpenFate itself met with no interest and has been put on an indefinite hold.
- My apologies that IFWiki got its facts wrong, but please remmber this is an open wiki that anyone can edit and errors will happen. Checking the history of the article, I see that the contributor for that error was Mark, and this was his only edit to date. -- David Welbourn 02:02, 10 September 2007 (PDT)
- David, I know and understand the nature of IFWiki. My remark was therefore, forgive me the awful pun, a Re:Mark. VictorGijsbers 15:07, 12 September 2007 (PDT)