From IFWiki
- A Crimson Spring (Robb Sherwin; 2000; Hugo).
- Dead of Winter (Gunther Schmidl; 2001; Z-code).
- The Dead of Winter (William Dooling as Theodidactus; 2019; ADRIFT 5).
- Doppy & Pru's Summer Holiday (The Doppelganger; 1985; MS-DOS).
- The Lion in Winter (Iain Merrick; 1999; TADS 2).
- The Midsummer Banquet (R. N. Dominick; 2002; TADS 3).
- Muse: An Autumn Romance (Christopher Huang; 1998; Z-code).
- She's Got a Thing for a Spring (Brent VanFossen; 1997; Z-code).
- Spellcasting 301: Spring Break (Legend Entertainment; 1992; MS-Windows).
- Winter Wonderland (Laura Knauth; 1999; Z-code).
- Winter Wonderland (Incentive Software; Spectrum).