Template:Feature theme/Time measurements
From IFWiki
- No Time To Squeal (Robb Sherwin and Mike Sousa; 2001; TADS 2),
- Four Seconds (Jason Reigstad; 1999; TADS 2).
- 3 Minutes to Live (Ren; 2006; ADRIFT 4).
- The Last Hour (Roberto Grassi; 2004; ADRIFT).
- Choose Your Own Three Hour Adventure (David Whyld; 2006; ADRIFT 4).
- Friday Afternoon (Mischa Schweitzer; 1997; Z-code).
- Weekend (Pierre; 2005; TADS 2).
- One Week (Papillon; 2001; TADS 2).
- Sabotage on the Century Cauldron (Thomas de Graaff; 2005; TADS 2).
- A Mind Forever Voyaging (publisher: Infocom; 1985; Z-code).