The Mansion: Grandma Mild's Weekend of Telekinesis

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For other games called The Mansion, see Mansion (disambiguation).

The Mansion: Grandma Mild's Weekend of Telekinesis
Author(s) Robert Chynoweth
Publisher(s) n/a
Release date(s) Oct-2004
Authoring system Inform 6
Platform(s) Z-code 5
Language(s) English
License(s) Freeware
Color effects none
Graphics none
Sound/Music none
Cruelty scale Nasty

How It Begins

The game's prologue is a textdump. This is a summary:

You are Philip Eagle (or maybe Philip Hagley), carrying your birth cirtificate [sic] and license. You are in the front room of Mr. Figley's mansion, which is almost your mansion since he is leaving (or has left) it to you in his will even though you and he are just acquaintances. The room contains a couch, a recliner, a coffee table, a Persian rug, and several doors to adjoining rooms. Two unusual features: no windows, and the odd impression that the room looks alive.

You arrived at the estate by limo and were impressed by both the mansion and its surrounding trees and greenery. You were met by Mr. Figley's lawyer, Ron Birtchum, who told you that he'd meet you in the library to the northwest in ten minutes with his associates and the staff to finalize the paperwork. You are uneasy. Something about this house is... not quite right.

WARNING: This game contains violence and lots of blood.

Notable Features

  • Verbs of motion in the opening paragraph imply that the mansion is a living thing: "juts up", "looks out", "seem to creep", "grew around", "reaches toward".
  • Instant death. It's very easy to die in this game, but you can always "UNDO" and try something else.

Trivia and Comments

  • The car can be driven around inside the house.


Release 1


General info