Uncle Zebulon's Will
From IFWiki
Uncle Zebulon's Will | |
Author(s) | Magnus Olsson |
Publisher(s) | n/a |
Release date(s) | 1995 |
Authoring system | TADS 2 |
Platform(s) | TADS 2 |
Language(s) | English |
License(s) | Freeware |
Multimedia | |
Color effects | none |
Graphics | none |
Sound/Music | none |
Ratings | |
Cruelty scale | Cruelty to be determined |
How It Begins
You have received word that your favorite uncle, the "black sheep of the family, an unsuccessful alchemist and self-proclaimed wizard", has died. The will he's left behind is sparse but you decide to explore the house anyway to see if you will perhaps find something magical left behind.
Notable Features
This section is a stub. You can help by adding to it.
Release 1.0 (Competition version)
- Uncle Zebulon's Will (Magnus Olsson; 1995; TADS 2).
- Release 1.0 / 950831
- IFID wanted. (Please replace this line with a babel template.)
- Beta-testing by Michael Kinyon and Sean Molley.
- IF Comp 1995: 1st place of 6 entries (TADS division).
- Download zebulon.zip from the IF Archive.
- Story file is ZEBULON.GAM.
Release 3.0 (Post-comp version)
- Uncle Zebulon's Will (Magnus Olsson; year-to-be-determined; TADS 2).
- (Release line wanted)
- IFID wanted. (Please replace this line with a babel template.)
- Download zebulon3.zip from the IF Archive.
- Story file is zebulon.gam.
General info
- Uncle Zebulon's Will (archived) - at Baf's Guide.
- Uncle Zebulon's Will - at IFDB.
- Uncle Zebulon's Will - at ifwizz interactive fiction (in German).
- Download zeb.hnt from the IF Archive. ROT-13 encoded hints.
- Download zebulon.sol from the IF Archive. Solution.
- Download zeb3src.zip from the IF Archive. Source code.
- ClubFloyd transcript.
>examine page
The dreadful truth is, this page is incomplete.
Notable Features, full version info
Please refer to the IFWiki game page style guide when making changes.