Peter Nepstad

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Revision as of 23:28, 15 October 2009 by Dswxyz (talk | contribs) (→‎Author Credits: removed the 'Homepage' links to the two Tales of Wonder games, since they 404'd and should be on the game pages instead)

Peter Nepstad, 2007. From GET LAMP.

IF author, located in Chicago. Runs a business (Illuminated Lantern) that sells a commercial product, 1893: A World's Fair Mystery, which functions as both a game and an instructional tutorial/tour of the 1893 World's Fair, held in Chicago. Recognized as an expert in the Fair, he has given presentations to historical societies and sells copies of ``1893`` through non-traditional means (for software), including museums and historical groups.

Author Credits

Review and Article Credits

Testing Credits

