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SPAG, the Society for the Promotion of Adventure Games magazine (originally the Society for the Preservation of Adventure Games) was a webzine, founded in 1994 by Kevin Wilson and running until 2016. It was published several times a year, and contains articles discussing IF, interviews, and in-depth reviews under the SPAG Specifics brand. Until issue #61 SPAG published many reviews, but as there are now numerous websites for sharing reviews, regular reviews will no longer be accepted. Up until issue #28 (June 20, 2002), it also had a scoreboard which ranked games based on user votes but this feature was later dropped.

SPAG Editors
Editor First issue Last issue
Kevin Wilson #1 (May 15, 1994) #11 (Sept. 16, 1997)
Magnus Olsson #11 (Sept. 16, 1997) #17 (May 10, 1999)
Paul O'Brian #18 (Sept. 15, 1999) #41 (July 15, 2005)
Jimmy Maher #42 (Oct. 2, 2005) #59 (Nov. 2010)
David Monath #59 (Nov. 2010) #60 (Apr 25, 2011)
Dannii Willis #61 (Jan 2, 2013)
Katherine Morayati, Matt Carey, Dannii Willis #61.5 (Feb 2, 2015) #64 (Aug 9, 2016)

SPAG Specifics

SPAG Specifics is an occasional feature that offers an in-depth critical analysis of a game, and unlike a normal review, a SPAG Specifics review deliberately contains spoilers. Here is a list of those works of IF that have been analyzed:


See also

  • SPAC (Sociedad para la Promoción de las Aventuras Conversacionales) is a similar Spanish publication.
  • The Parser is a similar German publication.