Template:Feature article
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French Games are more numerous than you think, and not just from the commercial era of text adventures. There are four games in the French Minicomp 2006 which recently concluded, and November saw the release of Ekphrasis (JB; Glulx). If you know any French, please check them out.
(Note: French games usually use the infinitive of a verb for input commands.)
- Introduction à la fiction interactive is a French translation of Emily Short's Introduction to Interactive Fiction, translated by Eric Forgeot. Both versions are in PDF format.
- In SPAG #47, there are interviews with Adrien Saurat (the French Comp winner) and with JB (author of Ekphrasis), a timeline of French IF and a review of Ekphrasis.
Previous features: Golden Banana of Discord, Amnesia, IF Whispers.