A Mind Forever Voyaging

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Science Fiction
Virtual reality
Virtual reality
A Mind Forever Voyaging
AMFV small cover.png
Author(s) Steve Meretzky
Publisher(s) Infocom, Activision
Release date(s) 1985
Authoring system ZIL
Platform(s) Z-code 4
Language(s) English
License(s) Commercial
Color effects none
Graphics none
Sound/Music none
Cruelty scale Cruelty to be determined

A disappointing sales draw for Infocom during its release in 1985, Steve Meretzky's A Mind Forever Voyaging has gained steady respect in the decades hence. It is now considered by some to be one of the true classics of the early Interactive Fiction form, and far ahead of its time in terms of subject matter, approach to storytelling, and quality of writing.

Strongly political in nature, the game initially contained almost no puzzles, but added them after testing revealed confusion about the lack of them.

The title derives from Book III of The Prelude by William Wordsworth (1850): "A mind forever voyaging through strange seas of thought, alone."

Meretzky compiled a number of relevant quotes and texts from a large variety of sources, including Shakespeare, Byron, Tennyson, and so on; in his original communications he suggested the title "A Mind Forever Voyaging" as well as others:

  • My Mind to Me A Kingdom Is
  • Deep Into That Darkness Peering
  • In Worlds Not Realized
  • But I Go On Forever
  • Look Into the Seeds of Time

How It Begins

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Notable Features

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Trivia and Comments


Infocom releases

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Activision releases

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General info

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