Jay is Games
From IFWiki
Jay is Games is a website devoted to casual gaming. Most games reviewed on the site are graphical games that can be played on-line, but not all. Interactive fiction has been reviewed on occassion, and the site's owner, Jay Bibby, has expressed interest in seeing more IF reviewed at Jay is Games.
Each game reviewed has its own blog-like page where readers may leave comments, ask for hints, and post walkthroughs. Each game is also tagged with several tags so readers can look up games with similiar themes, mechanics, or by the same author.
IF Games reviewed
- 9:05.
- Alabaster.
- Aunts and Butlers.
- Child's Play.
- Dead Like Ants.
- Enlightenment.
- Fail-Safe.
- Final Selection.
- Floatpoint.
- Gun Mute.
- Llama Adventure.
- Lost Pig.
- Make It Good.
- Slouching Towards Bedlam.
- Suveh Nux.
- To Hell in a Hamper.
- Varicella.
- Violet.
- The games written for HP Lovecraft: The Commonplace Book Project 2007.
- The collected works of Zarf (Andrew Plotkin).
- Jay is Games - the homepage.
- Interactive Fiction at Jay is Games - via the ifiction tag.