Concours de Fiction Interactive Francophone 2016
From IFWiki
French Minicomp 2016 is the 10th French competition in this series. The organizer is Eric Forgeot, also known as Otto Grimwald. The theme was proposed by Natrium. The competition logo was created by Benjamin Roux.
The complete rules (in French) are there.
- Entries must be written in the French language, but may use any authoring system.
- The suggested (but not required) theme is "Waves and Vibrations".
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- Submission deadline: January 4, 2016. (late entries: no later than January 10, 2016).
- Voting starts: January 10, 2016.
- The results were announced on February 15, 2016.
- A la basse et au chant (Eva Simonin ; 4-Jan-2016; Twine).
- Tipelau (Hugo Labrande ; 4-Jan-2016; Inform 6 and Vorple).
- L'Observatoire (Stéphane Flauder as "Azathoth"; 4-Jan-2016; Inform 7).
- Le Diamant Blanc (Benjamin Roux ; 4-Jan-2016; Inform 6).
- Homepage of the competition. With the rules.
- French Comp 2016 - IFDB page.
- French IF forum thread (2015).
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