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Hugor ndrift linux.png
Links Home page Download
Developer Nikos Chantziaras
Format Hugo
Interaction style
Systems Windows, macOS, Linux
System details
Latest version 3.0 / 9 May 2022
Status Stable
Multimedia support
License GPL
Notes Written in C++, C.
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XYZZY Awards 2011
Finalist - Best Technological Development

Hugor is a Hugo interpreter, created by Nikos Chantziaras, developed due to issues in the Macintosh and Linux versions of the Hugo interpreters for those systems. It runs on Linux (but other Unix systems as well if compiled from source code), macOS and Microsoft Windows.

All multimedia capabilities of Hugo are supported on all platforms, including video playback and MIDI music. Portable media libraries are included with the interpreter itself rather than relying on operating system support for each media format.



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