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Revision as of 19:24, 14 June 2023 by Dswxyz (talk | contribs) (updated link to my walkthrough)
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Green IF comp ribbon.png
IF Comp 2004
17th of 36
One white ribbon.png
XYZZY Awards 2004
Finalist - Best Use of Medium
Author(s) Tommy Herbert
Publisher(s) n/a
Release date(s) 01-Oct-2004
Authoring system Inform 6
Platform(s) Z-code 5
Language(s) English
License(s) Freeware
Color effects none
Graphics none
Sound/Music none
Cruelty scale Cruelty to be determined

How It Begins

I'm just a sort of guiding voice. You are a god, and looking radiant, if I may say so, sir. One of your worshippers, a man named Bellclap, needs your help getting home from one of your temples in the mountains. Bellclap is hungry, is afraid of the storm, and it's getting dark out. Bellclap wears a tunic, sheepskin coat, and sandals, and carries a bag of supplies. The temple contains an altar and a statue of you. What should I tell him to do, sir?

Notable Features

  • Unusual PC. The PC is a combination of three characters: the god, the go-between voice, and the human Bellclap. The player's commands are taken as instructions from the god for Bellclap, with the voice as the intermediary. In other words, that means that commands like "examine statue" are treated as if the command was really "tell voice to tell Bellclap to examine statue."


Competition version


General info

