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Authoring system
Interaction style Parser
System BBC Micro/Acorn Electron
System details
Latest version N/A
Status Unmaintained
Multimedia support
Notes Games can be played on a BBC Emulator or the AScape interpreter
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Adventurescape was an IF Authoring System release on a cover disc on the magazine A&B Computing. It was exclusively for the BBC Micro series of computers.

The system itself was primitive, yet powerful: it only allowed a two word parser, and wouldn't allow editing of descriptions, once the game was created. But it was a starter for several of the IF authors on the Acorn platform and it was free!

It was expanded for several game by Heyley Software, mutating into the HATRACK system.


There were very few games release under the system.


The games can be played on a BBC emulator. There is a basic Adventurescape interpreter (AScape) which will allow the games to be played natively on modern platforms.

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