IFComp 2009

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IFComp 2009
Part of series The Annual IF Competition
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Competition Schedule

  • June 5: The IF Comp 2009 site is open for business.
  • September 1: Deadline for submission of intents.
  • September 30: Deadline for entries.
  • October 1: Entries released to the public.
  • November 15: Voting deadline.

2009 IF Comp Results

Comp results were announced on November 16, 2009.

  1. Rover's Day Out (Jack Welch and Ben Collins-Sussman; Glulx).
  2. Broken Legs (Sarah Morayati; Glulx).
  3. Snowquest (Eric Eve; Z-code).
  4. The Duel That Spanned the Ages (Oliver Ullmann; Z-code).
  5. Earl Grey (Rob Dubbin and Adam Parrish; Glulx).
  6. The Duel in the Snow (Utkonos; Z-code).
  7. Resonance (Matt Scarpino; Glulx).
  8. Interface (Ben Vegiard; Z-code).
  9. Byzantine Perspective (Lea Albaugh as "Lea"; Z-code).
  10. Grounded in Space (Matt Wigdahl; Glulx).
  11. Yon Astounding Castle! of some sort (Duncan Bowsman as "Tiberius Thingamus"; ADRIFT 4).
  12. Condemned (Mark Jones as "a Delusioned Teenager"; Z-code).
  13. Eruption (Richard Bos; Z-code).
  14. Beta Tester (Darren Ingram; Z-code).
  15. The Ascot (Duncan Bowsman; ADRIFT 4).
  16. Spelunker's Quest (Tom Murrin; Z-code).
  17. The Believable Adventures of an Invisible Man (Hannes Schueller; Z-code).
  18. The Grand Quest (Owen Parish; Z-code).
  19. Star Hunter (Chris Kenworthy; Z-code).
  20. GATOR-ON, Friend to Wetlands! (Dave Horlick; Z-code).
  21. Gleaming the Verb (Kevin Jackson-Mead; Z-code).
  22. zork, buried chaos (Brad Renshaw as "bloodbath"; Z-code).
  23. Trap Cave (Emilian Kowalewski; MS-Windows and Linux; English and German).
  24. The Hangover (Will Conine as "Red Conine"; ADRIFT 3.9).

2009 Miss Congeniality Awards

These awards were voted by the authors of the entries.

  1. Rover's Day Out (Jack Welch and Ben Collins-Sussman; Glulx).
  2. The Duel in the Snow (Utkonos; Z-code).
  3. Broken Legs (Sarah Morayati; Glulx), tied with
    Byzantine Perspective (Lea Albaugh as "Lea"; Z-code).



See also: list of IF Comp Reviews at Emily Short's blog, Review matrix (Google doc) by George Shannon, and Links to IFComp09 reviews, sorted by game at Yoon Ha Lee's blog.

The Annual IF Competition
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