Jake Wildstrom
From IFWiki
Note: D. Jacob (Jake) Wildstrom's nickname on the ifMUD is Bishop.
Author Credits
- Bank of Zork (1997).
- Zokoban (1999; Z-code).
- Getting to know the General (2001; Z-code). Speed-IF O.
- Pick Up the IF-Archive and Pi (2001; Z-code). Speed-IF Pi-Theta-Aleph-Parallax.
- Apocolyptica (2001; Z-code). Speed-IF y=1/x.
- Tightest (2002; Z-code). Speed-IF EXTREME.
- Descent of Man (2002; Z-code). Speed-IF Orange.
- The Road to Destruction (featuring Bob Hope) (2002; Z-code). Speed-IF 10−9.
- Upwards and Onwards (2003; Z-code). Speed-IF 19.
- What Dreams May Come (2003; Z-code). Speed-IF Jacket 2.
- Sell-Out (2003; Z-code). Speed-IF 20.
- Schrödinger's Door (2003; Z-code). Speed-IF Let's Make A Nightmare.
- Twilight of the Dogs (2004; Z-code). Speed-IF That Dare Not Speak Its Number.
- Fade to Black (2004; Z-code). Speed-IF Century.
- The Hentai Adventures of Captain Cumshot (28-Aug-2005; Z-code). Speed-IF Jacket 3.
- Little Green Robbing Hood (21-Jan-2006; Z-code). Speed-IF Gruff. A Z2 game.
- Captain Cumshot's Second Adventure: The Rim Job (14-May-2006; Z-code). Speed-IF Neologism.
- The Twelve Heads of St. John the Baptist a.k.a. Christian Text Adventure #2 (26-Aug-2007; Z-code). Speed-IF Introcomp.
Porting Credits
- Ported Taipan! (Art Canfil, publisher: Avalanche Productions; 1982) to Inform.
Review and Article Credits
- Wrote reviews for IF Comp: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003 (archive), 2004 (archive), 2005 (archive), 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010.
- Reviews of EnvComp.
Organizational Credits
- Organizer for Speed-IF -1 and Speed-IF 10−9.
- Was an official judge for EnvComp.
- The Ecclesiastical Revue - Jake Wildstrom's blog.
- Jake Wildstrom's Interactive Fiction (archive)
- Jake Wildstrom (archived) - at Baf's Guide