IFComp 2016

From IFWiki
IFComp 2016
Part of series The Annual IF Competition
Website https://ifcomp.org/comp/2016
Organiser Jason McIntosh
IFDB event page Event
IFDB series page Series
Total entries 58
Event dates
Registration begins 1 Jul 2016
Registration ends 1 Sep 2016
Submissions due 28 Sep 2016
Voting begins 1 Oct 2016
Voting ends 15 Nov 2016
Results announced 17 Nov 2016
1 Detectiveland
2 Color the Truth
3 Cactus Blue Motel
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Competition Schedule

As per the "about the Competition" webpage at the time:

  • July 1, 2016: Competition website opens for intents to enter.
  • September 1, 2016: Last day to submit intents.
  • September 28, 2016: Last day to submit entries.
  • October 1, 2016: Games are released to the public, and voting begins.
  • November 15, 2016: Voting deadline. Competition results are announced shortly afterwards.

All deadlines are at 11:59 PM Eastern time on the given dates.

2016 IF Comp Results

58 games were released on October 1, 2016. Results were announced on November 17, 2016:

  1. Detectiveland (Robin Johnson).
  2. Color the Truth (mathbrush).
  3. Cactus Blue Motel (Astrid Dalmady).
  4. Stone Harbor (Liza Daly).
  5. 16 Ways to Kill a Vampire at McDonalds (Abigail Corfman).
  6. Pogoman GO! (Jack Welch and Ben Collins-Sussman).
  7. Fair (Hanon Ondricek).
  8. Night House (Bitter Karella).
  9. Hill Ridge Lost & Found (Jeremy Pflasterer).
  10. How to Win at Rock Paper Scissors (Brian Kwak).
  11. To The Wolves (Els White).
  12. Ariadne in Aeaea (Víctor Ojuel).
  13. Inside the Facility (Arthur DiBianca).
  14. The Game of Worlds TOURNAMENT! (Ade McT).
  15. The Queen's Menagerie (Chandler Groover).
  16. Ash (Lee Grey).
  17. Darkiss! Wrath of the Vampire - Chapter 2: Journey to Hell (Marco Vallarino).
  18. The Shoe Dept. (Aquanet), tied with
    500 Apocalypses (Phantom Williams).
  19. The Little Lifeform That Could (Fade Manley).
  20. Eight characters, a number, and a happy ending (K.G. Orphanides).
  21. Mirror and Queen (Chandler Groover).
  22. A Time of Tungsten (Devin Raposo).
  23. SCREW YOU, BEAR DAD! (Xalavier Nelson Jr.).
  24. Stuff and Nonsense (Felicity Banks).
  25. Letters (Madison Evans), tied with
    Rite of Passage (Arno von Borries).
  26. Take (Katherine Morayati as "Amelia Pinnolla").
  27. This is My Memory of First Heartbreak, Which I Can't Quite Piece Back Together (Story, Art, & UX Design by Jenny Goldstick, Development by Stephen Betts and Owen Roberts).
  28. Black Rock City (Jim Munroe).
  29. Zigamus: Zombies at Vigamus (Marco Vallarino).
  30. Tentaculon (Ned Vole).
  31. Quest for the Traitor Saint (Owlor).
  32. Evermore (Adam Whybray and Edgar Allan Poe).
  33. Yes, my mother is... (Skarn).
  34. Not Another Hero (Cecilia Rosewood).
  35. Riot (Taylor Johnson).
  36. Labyrinth of Loci (anbrewk).
  37. Sigil Reader (Field) (verityvirtue), tied with
    Slicker City (Andrew Schultz).
  38. The Mouse (Naomi Z as "Norbez").
  39. Ventilator (Peregrine Wade).
  40. The Skyscraper and the Scar (Diego Freire, Ruber Eaglenest).
  41. Take Over the World (Marie L. Vibbert).
  42. The God Device (Andy Joel).
  43. Theatre People (Michael Kielstra).
  44. Steam and Sacrilege (Phil McGrail).
  45. You are standing in a cave... (Caroline Berg).
  46. The Skull Embroidery (Jeron Paraiso).
  47. Snake's Game (Nahian Nasir).
  48. Aether Apeiron: The Zephyra Chronicles (Hippodamus & Company).
  49. Moonland (BillyJaden).
  50. Thaxted Havershill And the Golden Wombat (Andrew Brown).
  51. All I Do is Dream (Megan Stevens).
  52. Fallen 落葉 Leaves (Adam Bredenberg, Danial Mohammed Khan-Yousufzai).
  53. Cinnamon Tea (Daffs O'Dill).
  54. Manlandia (Rob Chateau).
  55. Toiletworld (Chet Rocketfrak).

2016 Miss Congeniality Awards

These awards were voted by the authors of the entries.

  1. Inside the Facility (Arthur DiBianca).
  2. Fair (Hanon Ondricek).
  3. Detectiveland (Robin Johnson).



See also: "IFComp 2016 review links thread" at intfiction.org; "Review spreadsheet (public)" by Owlor and others.

Author Commentary

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