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Authoring system
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Developers David Malmberg, Mark J. Welch
Format AGT
Interaction style
Systems Windows, MS-DOS, Classic Mac OS, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga
System details
Latest version 1.7
Status Stable
Multimedia support
License Freeware
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AGT is an acronym for Adventure Game Toolkit.

AGT is a tool for programming text adventures/IF games that involves filling in a Pascal database. It was created in 1987 by David Malmberg, who was updating Mark J. Welch's GAGS.

The original authoring tool and interpreter was available on a number of platforms, including DOS, Atari ST, Amiga, Macintosh and Windows. There were additional extensions to the system, such as AGTBIG (which allowed the production of larger games) and AGT Master, and also third-party support programs; like AGT Editor (by John Whatty), AGTAid, and AGTLint (a debugger).

Use of the AGT was promoted through several competitions. The tool was very popular, particularly in the 1990s, with around about 150 known games produced with the system (and its predecessor GAGS).

AGT games can be played on a number of modern (and retro-platforms) using AGiliTy.


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