Category talk:Authoring system

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This is the talk page for Category:Authoring system. See How to edit IFWiki to find out about using talk pages, and editing the wiki generally.

The text from Category:IF development system was:

Interactive Fiction was resurrected by a couple of developers that created new systems that allowed for relatively easy creation of IF games. The first system was TADS (The Adventure Development System) created by Mike Roberts. A few years later Inform was created by Graham Nelson.

Since then, Hugo was created by Kent Tessman, and Glulxe by Andrew Plotkin.

Those are considered the major platforms for developing interactive fiction although there are a list of other systems with varying merits.

-- David Welbourn 21:58, 6 Jan 2005 (Central Standard Time)

Wikipedia link

I can't edit this page myself. Could you add, in the "in other wikis" box, a link to the Wikipedia category? --Eriorg 14:37, 19 February 2008 (PST)

Done. And thanks. -- David Welbourn 22:54, 20 February 2008 (PST)


Simple TExt ADventure INterpreter for Unix and Windows.

INSTEAD was designed to create and play games that could be classified as a mix of visual novel, text quest and classical 90'ss quest.

INSTEAD features:

  • simple story source code (LUA based script);
  • gui and text (readline) interfaces;
  • gui interface supports music and pictures;
  • theme support;
  • portability (initially the project has been written under the Linux and depends on SDL and lua);

Project page:

Developer's forum:


INSTEAD launcher is also available. It's a special qt4 based program allows you download new stories from the official repository and be in course of all relatead software updates.

INSTEAD launcher project page:

Can I add my own engine?

I have written an engine for my own use and would like to give it a little publicity in the hope of getting feed back. Would it be considered acceptable to add it to this wiki?