Chicks Dig Jerks
From IFWiki
Chicks Dig Jerks | |
Author(s) | Robb Sherwin |
Publisher(s) | n/a |
Release date(s) | 1999 |
Authoring system | Inform 6 |
Platform(s) | Z-code 5 |
Language(s) | English |
License(s) | Freeware |
Multimedia | |
Color effects | none |
Graphics | none |
Sound/Music | none |
Ratings | |
Cruelty scale | Cruelty to be determined |
How It Begins
Notable Features
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Release 1 (Competition entry)
- Chicks Dig Jerks (Robb Sherwin; 1999; Z-code 5).
- Release 1 / Serial number 990930 / Inform v6.13 Library 6/9
- IFID wanted. (Please replace this line with a babel template.)
- IF Comp 1999: 31st place of 37 entries.
- Download chix.z5 from the IF Archive - The story file.
- Play it online at
Release 2 (Post-comp version)
- Chicks Dig Jerks (Robb Sherwin; Z-code).
- Release 2 / Serial number 991124 / Inform v6.15 Library 6/9
- IFID wanted. (Please replace this line with a babel template.)
- Download chix.z5 from the IF Archive - The story file.
- Download chix.exe from the IF Archive - MS-DOS executable version.
- Download chix.hqx from the IF Archive - Macintosh executable version.
- Download chix.inf from the IF Archive - The source code.
- Play it online at
General info
- Chicks Dig Jerks (archived) - at Baf's Guide.
- Chicks Dig Jerks - at SPAG.
- Chicks Dig Jerks - at IF Ratings.
- Review - by Paul O'Brian.
- Review - by Dan Shiovitz.
- Download chix.txt from the IF Archive - Walkthrough by the author.
>examine page
The dreadful truth is, this page is incomplete.
Genres, How It Begins, Notable Features, full version info.
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