Donjon FI

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Donjon FI
Authoring system
Links Home page Run online
Developer Jonathan Claes
Format HTML
Interaction style Parser
System Browser
System details
Latest version 3.0 / 17 Nov 2024
Status Stable
Multimedia support It support different colors schemes and styles that can be changed during the game. You can add images, sounds and musics.
License MIT license
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Donjon, developed by Jonathan Claes, is a domain-specific language for creating interactive fiction. It is entirely in French. Donjon can be used to write and share parser games. You can use Donjon FI web editor or Visual Studio Code extension to write your story.

The Donjon FI online editor.
The Donjon FI online parser.
Authoring systems
By style ParserChoiceParser-choice hybrid
By system BrowserAndroidiOSLinuxmacOSWindows
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