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Developer Jimmy Maher
Formats Glulx, Z-code
Interaction style
System Windows
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Latest version 1.1.1 / 24 Jan 2013
Status Unmaintained
Multimedia support
Notes Note that this interpreter cannot simply be downloaded and run to play game files.
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A Z-machine and Glulx implementation for Microsoft Windows that integrates the scrollback screen along with the main game screen, thereby enabling users to copy/paste text as well as do text searches all in the same window. It also allows players to display their current inventory, the verbs being used and the object tree by clicking on the appropriate menu options.

Filfre was created and is maintained by Jimmy Maher. It is currently at version 1.1.1 (as of January 24, 2013). The name comes from one of the spells used in Infocom's "Enchanter" series.


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