
From IFWiki

Two trophies.png
XYZZY Awards 1997
Best Game, Best Individual PC
Six white ribbons.png
XYZZY Awards 1997
Finalist - Best Individual NPC, Best NPCs, Best Setting, Best Story, Best Use of Medium, Best Writing
I-0 (Interstate Zero)
Author(s) Anonymous
Publisher(s) n/a
Release date(s) 1997
Authoring system Inform 6
Platform(s) Z-code 5
Language(s) English, Spanish
License(s) Freeware
Color effects none
Graphics none
Sound/Music none
Cruelty scale Cruelty to be determined

How It Begins

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Release TBD

  • I-0 (1997; Z-code 5).
    • IFID wanted. (Please replace this line with a babel template.)
    • XYZZY Awards 1997: Winner of Best Game, Best Individual PC. Finalist for Best Individual NPC, Best NPCs, Best Setting, Best Story, Best Use of Medium, Best Writing.
    • Erins 2002: Honourable Mention for Best Story in a First Age Game.

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Spanish translation

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General info



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