Ricardo Dague
From IFWiki
Note: Ricardo's nickname on the ifMUD is trikiw.
Author Credits
- Fifteen (1999; Z-code). IF Comp 1999: 25th place.
- Barton (2001; Z-code). Speed-IF Y.
- Goofy (2001; Java). IF Comp 2001: 48th place.
- Romeo, Juliet and the Dog (2002; Z-code). Speed-IF EXTREME.
- Scary House Amulet! (as "Shrimpenstein"; 2002; Z-code). IF Comp 2002: 31st place.
- untitled (2003; Glulx). Speed-IF 19. Listed on Baf's Guide as Hallway, after its only location.
- An Escape To Remember (the 2nd IF Whispers Team; 04-Jul-2006; Z-code). IF Whispers.
- House of Dream of Moon (the 3rd IF Whispers Team; 06-Dec-2007; Z-code). IF Whispers.
- Nazi Mice (30-Dec-2007; Z-code). New Year's Speed.
- The Lucubrator (01-Oct-2008; Z-code). IF Comp 2008: Tied for 23rd place.
- The Escapist (28-Dec-2008; Z-code). New New Year's Speed IF.
- IF Progressive One (with the 1st IF Progressive Team; 23-Jun-2009; Z-code). IF Progressive.
Tech Credits
- Authored the following Inform 6 library extensions: cmap.h, and sha_hint.h.
- Ricardo Dague (archived) - at Baf's Guide.