- WikiCAAD (archive)
SPAC (Sociedad para la Promoción de las Aventuras Conversacionales) is a Spanish webzine similar to, and inspired by SPAG.
Initial Incarnation: Static Webzine
It was published from October 2000 to November 2007 as Sociedad para la Preservación de las Aventuras Conversacionales, initially as a HTML monthly fanzine and lately on a quaterly basis. It had 52 issues.
SPAC's articles covered not only games' reviews, as is mostly the case with SPAG, but also included authors' interviews, Spanish comps organization and (logs of) their results, authoring/programming issues and whatnot on the interactive fiction scene.
All articles (except the Editorial section, of course) were fan-made and generally centered on Spanish works, though the most important developments of the mainstream of interactive fiction had a reasonable coverage.
There is a Spanish index (by Sarganar), with all the articles classified by subject, and a smallish search engine run by each article's title.
(Zipped, on the IF Archive. Previously on the server, which shut down in May 2023.)
- SPAC #1. October 2000.
- SPAC #2. October 2000. (Windows executable.)
- SPAC #3. October 2000.
- SPAC #4. March 2001.
- SPAC #5. April 2001.
- SPAC #6. May 2001.
- SPAC #7. June 2001.
- SPAC #8. July/August 2001.
- SPAC #9. September 2001.
- SPAC #10. October 2001.
- SPAC #11. November 2001.
- SPAC #12. December 2001.
- SPAC #13. February 2002.
- SPAC #14. March 2002.
- SPAC #15. April 2002.
- SPAC #16. May 2002.
- SPAC #17. June 2002.
- SPAC #18. July 2002.
- SPAC #19. August 2002.
- SPAC #20. September 2002.
- SPAC #21. October 2002.
- SPAC #22. November 2002.
- SPAC #23. December 2002.
- SPAC #24. February 2003.
- SPAC #25. March 2003.
- SPAC #26. May 2003.
- SPAC #27. May 2003.
- SPAC #28. June 2003.
- SPAC #29. July 2003.
- SPAC #30. September 2003.
- SPAC #31. October 2003.
- SPAC #32. November 2003.
- SPAC #33. January 2004.
- SPAC #34. March 2004.
- SPAC #35. May 2004.
- SPAC #36. July 2004.
- SPAC #37. October 2004.
- SPAC #38. December 2004.
- SPAC #39. February 2005.
- SPAC #40. April 2005.
- SPAC #41. June 2005.
- SPAC #42. September 2005.
- SPAC #43. December 2005.
- SPAC #44. March 2006.
- SPAC #45. June 2006.
- SPAC #46. October 2006.
- SPAC #47. November 2006.
- SPAC #48. January 2007.
- SPAC #49. March 2007.
- SPAC #50. May 2007.
- SPAC #51. July 2007.
- SPAC #52. November 2007.
Second Season: Dynamic Webzine or SPAC 2.0
With the issue of number 52 on November 2007, its current editor Dhan announced (dead link 🔍) that he was resigning his role for other pursuits.
This generated a forum debate 1 (dead link 🔍) 2 (dead link 🔍) 3 (dead link 🔍) on SPAC's future and a format change. Some proposed options were:
- Keep the current format (quarterly static webzine)
- Switch to blog
- Switch to wiki
- Switch to dynamic webzine
- Switch to subforum within CAAD's forum.
The chosen option was dynamic webzine, with an optional PDF quarterly summary editions.
SPAC 2.0 PDF Issues
(At the IF Archive.)
- SPAC #1. March 2008.
- SPAC #2. May 2008.
- SPAC #3. August 2008.
- SPAC #4. October 2008.
- SPAC #5. December 2008.
- SPAC #6. March 2009.
- SPAC #7. June 2009.
- SPAC #8. October 2009.
- SPAC #9. April 2010.
- SPAC #10. October 2010.
- SPAC #11. March 2011.
- SPAC #12. July 2011.
- SPAC #13. June 2012.
- SPAC #14. April 2014.
- SPAC 2.0 Webpage (dead link 🔍)
- Old SPAC's Editions Webpage (dead link 🔍)
- Archive after the shutdown (by rockersuke).
- Society for the Promotion of Adventure Games, English Fanzine.
- CAAD (dead link 🔍) - Club de Aventuras AD: spanish IF Community webpage.
- Premios Hispanos (dead link 🔍) Annual Spanish IF Competition.