Software type
What kind of software is this?
Upload any size logo, screenshot, or other image. It will be displayed up to 385px wide in the infobox. (Additional images can go in the "Page content" section.)
If you type in any new names, please use a comma or press enter after each name to tokenize it.
Other software and specifications
Uses: If this software uses other software, you can list that software here. For example, an interpreter might incorporate other interpreters. If you type in the names of any new software, please use a comma or press enter after each one to tokenize it.
Implements: List any specifications implemented by this software.
Home page URL:
Download page URL: A page with download links, for example, a "Releases" page on Github.
Format and system
Format(s): Select all IF file formats that apply, or "Not applicable" if this is not relevant. "Other" is for file formats that are not listed here. Please mention those in the "Notes" section.
System(s): What system(s) does this software run on?
- If this software is an interpreter, you can also include systems that any ports run on (unless that port has its own page). For example, Windows Glulxe is a port of Glulxe.
- For authoring systems, please only include systems on which the authoring system can run. For example, TADS games can run on the Android app Fabularium but please don't include "Android" as a system on the TADS page.
System details: Use this field if you selected "Other" or need to add further details.
Latest version:
Latest release date: (Day month year)
Status: By "stable" we mean that the software works reliably. Only stable interpreters will appear on IFWiki's recommended lists (for example, Glulx interpreters).
Under what license is the software distributed? Leave blank if unknown.
An optional section of the infobox for brief notes about any of the "Other" selections above. (Please type anything beyond 400 characters into the main body of the page, below.)
Page content
This is for the 6 day page content (not the infobox).