The Dreamhold

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Two trophies.png
XYZZY Awards 2004
Best Puzzles, Best Use of Medium
Five white ribbons.png
XYZZY Awards 2004
Finalist - Best Game, Best Writing, Best Story, Best Setting, Best Individual Puzzle
The Dreamhold
Author(s) Andrew Plotkin
Publisher(s) n/a
Release date(s) 2004
Authoring system Inform 6
Platform(s) Z-code 8
Language(s) English
License(s) Freeware
Color effects none
Graphics none
Sound/Music none
Cruelty scale Cruelty to be determined

How It Begins

You don't remember who you are. You are lying on a smooth cold stone floor in a small unfurnished stone cell. You are carrying a quill pen, and a there's a gap in the stone in the east wall.

Notable Features

  • The game is primarily intended as an introductory game for players who haven't played interactive fiction before. However, there are also features to make the game interesting for experienced players as well.
    • Tutorial voice in italics. The tutorial voice will sometimes automatically give help or suggestions if the game detects that the player is not making progress. The command TUTORIAL OFF turns it off.
    • Novice and expert modes. The game begins in novice mode. The command EXPERT switches to expert mode. Puzzles are more difficult in expert mode, and there is no tutorial voice.
    • Extensive help, controlled by the HELP [topic] command, which attempts to deliver help on many topics. The HINT command lists topics for general help, and HELP HINT prompts the tutorial voice to speak up and give a hint on the current puzzle.
  • Some old school tropes, including amnesia, a darkness puzzle, and a color sequence puzzle.
  • The backstory is partly revealed in flashbacks, and partly left unrevealed. Many elements of the game remain enigmatic even when the game is completed, and some elements may simply be red herrings.
  • Release 5 is the earliest release of the game with a score. The score is not displayed until you earn your first point. The maximum number of points is 7.
  • Multiple endings.


Releases 4–5

  • The Dreamhold (Andrew Plotkin; 2004; Z-code 8).
    • Release 4 / Serial number 041207 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10
    • Release 5 / Serial number 041231 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10
    • XYZZY Awards 2004: Winner of Best Puzzles, Best Use of Medium. Finalist for Best Game, Best Writing, Best Story, Best Setting, Best Individual Puzzle (the cistern).

Note: This game was also released on the IF Promotional CD, July 2005 Edition.

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