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XtadsApp 256x256 v3.png
Link Home page
Developer Rune Berg
Formats TADS 2, TADS 3
Interaction style
System macOS
System details macOS (10.13+).
Latest version pre-beta 19
Status Stable
Multimedia support Colour
Notes Written in Objective-C, C++, C. Status: Stable and very usable, but not yet feature complete.
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XTads is a TADS 2/3 interpreter for macOS (version 10.13 and higher). It's a GUI application, with native macOS look and feel. Game output is text-only, with partial support for HTML TADS features.

2021-10-15: pre-beta 19 is out, with improved support for HTML TADS features, and bug fixes.

2021-09-13: pre-beta 18 is out, with improved support for HTML TADS features.

2021-07-28: pre-beta 17 is out, with improved support for HTML TADS features, and bug fixes.

2021-06-12: pre-beta 16 is out, with improved support for HTML TADS features, and bug fixes.

2021-05-04: pre-beta 15 is out, with improved support for HTML TADS features, support for timed input, and bug fixes.

2021-01-12: pre-beta 14 is out, with improved support for HTML TADS features, and bug fixes.

2020-07-30: pre-beta 13 is out, with more bug fixes. Also, an archive of 800+ small test games is out - see https://xtadsetc.com/

2020-06-30: pre-beta 12 is out, with improved support for text/background colors, bug fixes.

[For full version history, see the readme file included in the download archive.]

XTads is a work in progress. Bug reports are more than welcome - see contact info in the program's About panel.

Download: https://ifarchive.org/if-archive/programming/tads3/executables/XTads-prebeta-19.zip

Download source code: https://ifarchive.org/if-archive/programming/tads3/source/XTads-prebeta-19-src.zip

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