FAQ: Difference between revisions

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(→‎How can I keep up with IF news and events?: link to new event calendar instead of old comp news page)
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''The ifwiki Interactive Fiction FAQ was created to offer succinct, up-to-date information to those who are new to IF or new to the IF community. The FAQ is intended to give brief, helpful answers to those questions that do actually come up frequently, and to direct readers to the most important online resources. While it is meant to be a useful part of ifwiki and to have current, useful links, this FAQ also should serve well as a stand-alone document that someone might read offline or print out. Another resource for newcomers that is helpful (although it hasn't been updated recently) is Roger Firth's [http://www.plover.net/~textfire/raiffaq/ifaq/ Ifaq].''
''The ifwiki Interactive Fiction FAQ offers succinct and current information for newcomers to IF and the IF community. It answers those questions that come up frequently and directs readers to the most important online resources. While the FAQ is meant to be a useful part of ifwiki, it also should serve well read offline or printed out.''

==What is "interactive fiction"?==
==What is "interactive fiction"?==

The term refers to programs (sometimes called "games" or, less often, "works") that let you type commands to a character. This character wanders around in a simulated world of some sort, usually one that is described in text. "Text adventure" and "text game" have been used to mean pretty much the same thing. Examples include ''Adventure'', ''Zork'', ''Deadline'', ''Planetfall'', ''The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'', ''The Hobbit'', and ''Curses''. Some people include graphical adventure games such as ''Myst'' when they use the term, but those sorts of games aren't the focus of this FAQ, nor are they the main concern of the [[IF community]]. The ifwiki offers a formal definition of [[interactive fiction]]; there is a [http://www.plover.net/~textfire/raiffaq/FAQ.htm#whatisif longer discussion of the topic in the '''rec.arts.int-fiction''' FAQ]; and other definitions can be found in various essays and books.
In the past, the term referred mainly to [[parser]]-based programs (usually called "games" or, less often, "works") that let you type commands to a character. This character wanders around in a simulated world of some sort, typically one that is described in text. These [[parser]]-based games are sometimes called "text adventures." Examples include ''[[Adventure]]'', ''[[Zork]]'', ''[[Deadline]]'', ''[[Planetfall]]'', ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]]'', ''[[The Hobbit]]'', and ''[[Curses]]''.
More recently, the IF community has expanded its definition of interactive fiction to include [[Choose_your_own_adventure|choice-based]] works (sometimes called [[Choose_your_own_adventure|CYOA]]) as well. In [[Choose_your_own_adventure|choice-based]] IF, players navigate through the story by selecting hyperlinks, or by periodically choosing from a list of options to determine how the story will progress.
Some people include [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamebook gamebooks] and graphical adventure games such as [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myst ''Myst''] when they use the term interactive fiction, but those sorts of works aren't the focus of this FAQ, nor the main concern of the [[IF community]].  
The ifwiki offers a formal definition of [[interactive fiction]]; for another definition, see [https://iftechfoundation.org/frequently-asked-questions/ Frequently Asked Questions About Interative Fiction] at the [[IFTF]] website. There is an [http://www.plover.net/~textfire/raiffaq/FAQ.htm#whatisif older discussion of the topic in the '''rec.arts.int-fiction''' FAQ]; and other definitions can be found in various works, such as the book [[Twisty Little Passages | ''Twisty Little Passages'']].
==What happened to [[Infocom]] ([[Magnetic Scrolls]], [[Level 9]], [[:Category:Publishers|etc.]])?==

==What happened to [[Infocom]] ([[Magnetic Scrolls]], [[Level 9]], [[:Category:IF publisher|etc.]])?==
None of the companies that produced IF during the 1980s are still around and producing IF. Infocom was acquired by Activision in 1986, for instance, and is now a (not very active) "label" of that company. Activision abandoned the Infocom trademark around 2002 (though not the copyright to the games); Pete Hottelet of Omni Consumer Products LLC [http://gameshelf.jmac.org/2010/02/that-new-official-infocom-web.html acquired the trademark] in 2007.

None of the companies that produced IF during the 1980s are still around and producing IF. Infocom was acquired by Activision in 1989, for instance, and is now a (not very active) "label" of that company. Interactive fiction from this era is often hard to find outside of abandonware sites and online auction sites, although some of it has been made available to the public by the company that produced it. Plenty of people are still creating IF, however, and there are hundreds of free new games that have been developed since the "commercial era" of interactive fiction.
Interactive fiction from the Infocom era is often hard to find outside of abandonware sites and online auction sites, although some of it has been made available to the public by the company that produced it.  

==How can I download and play IF?==
==How can I download and play IF?==

The [http://ifarchive.org IF Archive] is the major repository for free interactive fiction, and includes hundreds of recent games, games in many different languages, and many historic games. You'll probably want to download games from there, using the convenient interface provided by [http://www.wurb.com/if/ Baf's Guide to the IF Archive].
The Boston IF group The [[People's Republic of Interactive Fiction]] [http://pr-if.org/play/ maintains a page of IF titles playable in your browser] if you just want to get started quickly.  
Authors have made some game available for you to play on the Web or download in stand-alone form. But you will usually need to download both an [[interpreter]] for your particular platform (a sort of "reader" or "player") and the particular game's "[[story file]]" (the data file that is read by the interpreter).

If you use Windows and want to run the zcode file curses.z5, for instance, you need a Windows zcode interpreter. Windows Frotz is a popular one. One you have installed Windows Frotz, you will be able to play any zcode interactive fiction just by downloading and opening the file, which usually will end with .z5 or .z8.
Many IF systems let you play in a web browser, and nearly all games are free to download. The [[IFDB | Interactive Fiction Database]] is a community-edited IF catalog of thousands of free games available to play online and download, and includes ratings, reviews, and many other features to make finding and playing games easier.

You can find a popular interpreter for your platform and IF format in the following table:
To play a game online, you can find a game at [https://ifdb.org IFDB] and check to see if there is a "Play Online" link.

{| border="1" cellpadding="2"
If you want to play offline, then in addition to downloading the game itself (commonly called the "[[story file]]"), you may also need to download an [[interpreter]] to run the game. Just like you need a player for music or video files, many IF games require an interpreter to run. The IFDB can help you download the correct interpreter, or you can choose one yourself:
{{interpreter navbox}}
!Story File Extension
|.z5,.z8,.z3 (other .z# or .dat, rarely)
|.gam, .t3
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/infocom/interpreters/frotz/WindowsFrotz2002.zip Windows Frotz 2002]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/interpreters-tads/htads_playkit_259.exe HTML TADS Playkit]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/programming/glulx/interpreters/git/wingit-1.0.6.zip Git], [http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/programming/glulx/interpreters/zag/zag-1.05.tar.gz Zag]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/interpreters-other/hugo/executables/hugov31_win32.exe Hugo Multimedia Interpreter]
|[http://www.adrift.org.uk/ftp/ADRIFT40r.zip ADRIFT Runner]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/interpreters-infocom-zcode/frotz/frotz-2.43-3.i386.rpm Frotz (redhat binary RPM)]
|[http://qtads.sourceforge.net/#Download QTads]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/programming/glulx/interpreters/zag/zag-1.05.tar.gz Zag]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/interpreters-other/hugo/executables/hugov31_wxwin_linux.tar.gz Hugo Windows]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/interpreters-other/adrift/scare-1.3.2_linux.tgz SCARE]
!Mac OS X
|[http://www.logicalshift.demon.co.uk/mac/zoom.html Zoom]
|[http://www.hypertads.org/downloads/HyperTADS-140.sit HyperTADS]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/programming/glulx/interpreters/zag/zag-1.05.tar.gz Zag]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/programming/hugo/executables/hugov31_macos.sit Hugo Mac]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/programming/adrift/MacScare-GUI.zip SCARE]
!Mac System 9
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/infocom/interpreters/nitfol/Nitfol-05.hqx Nitfol], [http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/infocom/interpreters/zip/MaxZip-178.hqx MaxZip]
|[http://www.hypertads.org/downloads/HyperTADS-140.sit HyperTADS]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/programming/glulx/interpreters/glulxe/Glulxe-034.hqx Glulxe for Mac]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/interpreters-other/hugo/executables/hugov31_macos.sit Hugo Mac]
|[ftp://ftp.ifarchive.org/if-archive/infocom/interpreters/zip2000/Acorn_Zip2000_141_Std1.0.spk Zip2000], [http://ifarchive.giga.or.at/if-archive/infocom/interpreters/frotz/RiscOSFrotz132.zip Frotz]
|[http://ifarchive.giga.or.at/if-archive/programming/tads2/executables/AcornTADSruntime.spk AcornTADS]
|[http://ifarchive.giga.or.at/if-archive/programming/hugo/executables/AcornHugo25.zip AcornHugo]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/interpreters-infocom-zcode/frobnitz/frob10.zip Frobnitz]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/interpreters-other/hugo/executables/hugov31_palm.zip Hugo Palm]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/interpreters-infocom-zcode/frotz/pocketfrotz_04b.zip Pocket Frotz]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/interpreters-tads/PocketTADS-01.zip Pocket TADS]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/programming/glulx/interpreters/git/pGit-0.5.zip Git PocketPC]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/interpreters-other/hugo/executables/hugov31_wince.zip Hugo WinCE]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/interpreters-infocom-zcode/frotz/DJGPPFrotz240.zip DOS Frotz]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/interpreters-tads/tadsexe_259.zip DOS TADS]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/programming/glulx/interpreters/git/dosgit-1.0.4.zip Git for Dos]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/interpreters-other/hugo/executables/hugov31_dos16bit.zip Hugo DOS (16 bit)]
|[http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/interpreters-other/adrift/scare-1.3.2_dos.zip SCARE DOS]

These are not all the interpreters available, just some of the most popular ones for the most popular platforms. The IF Archive has a fairly comprehensive, if not exactly friendly, list of interpreters that you can download:
Some interpreters are convenient because they can run IF created in multiple [[:Category:Authoring system | authoring systems]]. However, to see all the features of some games you may want a format-specific player; [[QTads]] is an example of a player created for a specific authoring system, [[TADS]], and [[Interpreter search | many other interpreters are available for specific combinations of formats and systems]].

* http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/interpreters-infocom-zcode/
Most of the games in the [[IFDB]] are hosted by the [http://ifarchive.org IF Archive], the main repository for free [[interactive fiction]]. It includes not only many games, but walkthroughs, interpreters, authoring systems, and more.
* http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/interpreters-other/
* http://mirror.ifarchive.org/if-archive/interpreters-tads/

==Where can I find out what games I might enjoy?==
==Where can I find out what games I might enjoy?==
* [[IFDB]], the Interactive Fiction Database, is a catalog of thousands of IF games. You can search for highly-rated games, read reviews, browse recommended lists, or create a poll to ask other users for suggestions.
* Look back through past [[XYZZY_Awards | XYZZY]] winners or games that did well in the [[IF_Comp | IF Competition]].
* Peruse the [[Reviews | IF review sites]]. One of the best is [http://www.spagmag.org SPAG].
* Several members of the community have extensive collections of their personal recommendations, for instance, [http://emshort.wordpress.com/how-to-play/reading-if/ Emily Short].

* [http://wurb.com/if Baf's Guide] is a complete listing of the games on the [[Archive | IF Archive]]. Most games have capsule reviews, and there are powerful search tools to allow you to select for certain features or look games in a particular genre.
==What can I do when I get stuck?==
* The Usenet group '''rec.games.int-fiction''' is a good place to ask if you have specific tastes and interests that you're willing to explain.
* [http://www.carouselchain.com/if/ Interactive Fiction Ratings] is a site that lets anyone rate games on a 1 to 10 scale and offer very brief comments. A list of the highest-scoring games is available.
* Looking back through past [[XYZZY_Awards | XYZZY]] winners or games that did well in the [[IF_Comp | IF Competition]] can also give you some idea of which games are (or were) highly thought of.
* There are several sites that collect and publish reviews: [http://www.sparkynet.com/spag SPAG], [http://www.brasslantern.org/ Brass Lantern], and [http://www.ministryofpeace.com/if-review/ IF-Review] are the most prominent of these.
* Several members of the community have extensive collections of their personal reccomendations: [http://emshort.home.mindspring.com/literacy.htm Emily Short] and [http://diden.net/~maga/intfiction.htm Sam Kabo Ashwell], for example.

==What can I do when I get stuck?==
If you've never played [[parser-based interactive fiction]] before, you may want to check out this {{link|url=http://pr-if.org/doc/play-if-card/|archive=http://web.archive.org/web/20110228041717/http://pr-if.org:80/doc/play-if-card/|beginner's postcard guide to IF}}, created by the [[People's Republic of Interactive Fiction]],

Some games have in-game hints. For others, hints or a walkthrough (a list of commands that will win the game, sometimes annotated) may be available on the IF Archive or elsewhere on the Web. If Baf's Guide doesn't list any files for the game you're playing, search the Web for the name of that game and the term "walkthrough" or "solution." You can also ask fellow players for a hint on rec.games.int-fiction. Just be sure to include a spoiler warning and spoiler space before you reveal any details of the game, so you don't ruin the game for others by giving away some of its surprises.
Some games have in-game hints; in a [[parser-based interactive fiction]] game, try typing 'help', 'hint', 'hints', 'about', or 'think'. For some games, hints or a walkthrough (a list of commands that will win the game, sometimes annotated) may be available on the [[IFDB]], [[IF Archive]], or elsewhere on the Web. You can also ask fellow players for a hint on IF community sites (see below). Just be sure to include a spoiler warning and spoiler space before you reveal any details of the game, so you don't ruin the game for others by giving away some of its surprises.

==How can I post a review of a game I've finished?==
==How can I post a review of a game I've finished?==

If you like, you can simply post a review to rec.games.int-fiction, as many people traditionally do with the Comp game after the Comp has ended. You can also submit your review to [http://www.sparkynet.com/spag/ SPAG] or [http://www.ministryofpeace.com/if-review/ IF Review], or post it on your own site or blog.
You can simply post a review to one of the community forums (see below), as many people traditionally do with IF Comp games. You can also put your review on the [[IFDB]], or post it on your own site or blog.

==What is this "IF Comp"?==
==What is this "IF Comp"?==

The [http://ifcomp.org/ IF Competition] is an annual, Internet-wide competition for short games (ones you can complete in less than two hours), started in 1996 and currently run by Stephen Granade. Anyone who is online can vote in the competition. Having played and rated five games is the only qualification necessary for judges. Recent years have seen dozens of entries and hundreds of judges: The 2004 Comp had 38 games voted on by 174 judges.
[[The Annual IF Competition]] is an Internet-wide competition for short games (ones you can complete in less than two hours), started in 1996 and currently run by [[Jacqueline Ashwell]]. Anyone who is online can vote in the competition. Having played and rated five games is the only qualification necessary for judges. Recent years have seen dozens of games: [[IF Comp 2021]] had 71 entries.

==How can I write my own game?==
==How can I write my own game?==

Although some people try to develop IF from scratch in general-purpose languages, winners of the IF Comp and developers of successful longer games have shown that it can be a good idea to use one of the highly capable and free interactive fiction development systems. [[Inform]], [[TADS]], and [[Hugo]] are the most powerful and cross-platform of the options, but there are others. You can seek help from fellow developers on rec.arts.int-fiction as you work, and avail yourself of some of the extensive documentation, tutorial material, and sample code that is online.
Although some people develop IF from scratch in general-purpose programming languages, using one of the highly capable and free interactive fiction development systems will save you a lot of the grunt work involved in reinventing the wheel.  
Check out IFWiki's list of [[Stable authoring systems|stable authoring systems]], or use this navigation box to find other authoring system pages:

==Which development system is best?==
{{authoring system navbox}}

No one knows for sure, but a safe way for you to decide for yourself is to review all of them at [http://www.firthworks.com/roger/cloak/index.html Roger Firth's Cloak of Darkness page]. You should also consider the development communities for different systems, what sample code and tutorial and reference information is available for each, the whole range of these systems' capabilities (including multimedia capaibilities, if these are important to you), and whether interpreters are available on the platforms you care about.
Popular systems include [[Inform]], [[TADS]], [[Hugo]], [[Adrift]], and [[Quest (Language) | Quest]], but [[:Category:Authoring system|there are others]]. In recent years other choice-based systems such as [[Undum]] and [[ChoiceScript]] have attracted authors as well.

==Why not create my own IF development system?==
==Which development system is best?==

You're welcome to, and we're all very glad that people such as Graham Nelson (creator of Inform) and Mike Roberts (creator of TADS) have done this. There are sometimes discussions about how to create IF development systems on rec.arts.int-fiction and on [[ifMUD]]'s #craft channel; you can also check ifwiki's [[Building a New Interactive Fiction System]]. While some people will be glad to offer reactions and advice, many people on raif and #craft do prefer to discuss writing games, and almost all of them now are effectively using some existing system such as [[Inform]], [[TADS]], or [[Hugo]]. If you're developing a new system, it will certainly help to be very familiar with how all of these existing systems work, so you can imitate their better features and avoid imitating anything you think is a mistake.
There really isn't a way to say which IF system you should use; what you should do is take a look at all of them and see which one fits you best. One way for you to decide is to review many of them at [[Roger Firth]]'s [http://www.firthworks.com/roger/cloak/index.html Cloak of Darkness page]. Another might be to play a range of games in the IFDB and see what style of game you like the most. You should also consider the development communities for different systems, what reference information is available for each, the system's capabilities (including multimedia, if that's important to you), and whether interpreters are available on the platforms you care about.

==How do I get people to test my game?==
==How do I get people to test my game?==

A very good question. It's very important to have others test and review your game before releasing it. [http://www.plover.net/~textfire/beta.html The IF Beta Site Info Page] has information about [[beta-testing]], including links to several articles about how to helpfully test games, and it also provides a way for you to sign up as a tester and submit your game to be tested. There are several other ways to find testers. If you've tested someone else's game, you might ask them to reciprocate. You can also politely ask for testers on rec.arts.int-fiction or on [[ifMUD]].
You can ask for testers on one of the community sites (see below). Often you'll have an easier time finding testers if you test a few games yourself.

==How do I get people to play my game?==
==How do I get people to play my game?==

Releasing it in the IF Comp can be a very effective way, if it fits the bill by being a two-hour game that is not based on previous copyrighted work. There are other competitions at other points in the year which are less popular but still provide good ways to release a game. If you don't release your game as part of a competition, you should announce your game on rec.games.int-fiction. Although the editors of IF review sites will learn about it from rgif, it's fine to politely bring your work to their attention by email if it hasn't been reviewed after a while.
Releasing it in the [[The Annual IF Competition | IF Comp]] can be a very effective way, if it fits the bill by being a two-hour game that is not based on previous copyrighted work. There are [[:Category:Competitions | other IF competitions]] at other points in the year which are less popular but still provide good ways to release a game. If you don't release your game as part of a competition, you should announce your game on the IF community sites (see below).
You may also want to publicize your game outside the IF community, if there are other groups who might be interested in it. For example, the [[Electronic Literature Organization]], if your work is written for a literary audience, or [http://forums.tigsource.com/ TIGSource], if your IF might appeal to the general indie games community. Outside the IF community there are increasingly more competition venues and forums for games such as IF, and the ELO and TIGSource are good places to start looking.
==Where can I talk with other people who are into IF?==
A good place to start is the [http://intfiction.org/forum Interactive Fiction Community Forum]. This forum has largely superseded [[rec.*.int-fiction]].
The [[Interactive Fiction Database]] allows users to post reviews and to create polls asking for IF recommendations.
[[Planet IF]] is a blog aggregator that follows many IF-related blogs and RSS feeds.
For real-time interaction, IFers founded the [[ifmud]] in 1997, and it's still actively used today. The annual awards ceremony for the [[XYZZY Awards]], the Oscars of interactive fiction, was held on ifmud for years (see the [http://xyzzyawards.org/transcripts/xyzzys2013.html transcript from the 2013 XYZZY Awards here]). The awards ceremony later moved to [https://twitter.com/xyzzyawards Twitter].
2009 saw the formation of the first IF meetup group, the Boston-based [[People's Republic of Interactive Fiction]], and since then more groups have formed in [[Seattle IF Group | Seattle]], [[Chicago Interactive Fiction Group | Chicago]], and the [[SF Bay Area Interactive Fiction Group | San Francisco Bay area]]. The PR-IF hosted the first 'IF summit' at the games expo [[PAX East 2010 | PAX EAST]] in 2010.
In 2019, the [[Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation]] hosted [[NarraScope]], a narrative games conference, for the first time.
The [[:Category:Communities|Communities category]] on IFWiki lists other communities and forums.
==How can I keep up with IF news and events?==
Besides following [[Planet IF]] and [[:Category:Communities|community forums]], you can also check the [[Main_Page|front page of ifwiki]] or ifwiki's full-page [[Event calendar|event calendar]]. There is increasingly more IF discussion outside the community proper on [http://twitter.com/#search?q=%22interactive%20fiction%22 social sites such as Twitter].  

You may also want to publicize your game outside the IF community, if there are other groups who might be interested in it: e.g., Latin teachers, if your game is in Latin; the Electronic Literature Organization, if your game is written for a literary audience; the Keeler Society, if your game is an adaptation of a Harry Stephen Keeler novel.
<big><big>''Welcome to the IF community!''</big></big>

==Major Resources==
==Major Resources==

* [http://www.wurb.com/if/ Baf's Guide to the IF Archive], a friendly interface to the IF Archive, with capsule reviews and powerful search features.
* [https://ifdb.org IFDB], a catalog of thousands of IF games, with capsule reviews and powerful search features.
* [http://www.ifarchive.org/ The IF Archive], the main repository for games, interpreters, and development systems.
* [https://intfiction.org/ Intfiction.org, the Interactive Fiction Community Forum].
* [http://www.sparkynet.com/spag/ SPAG (Society for the Promotion of Adventure Games], an email newsletter also available on the Web.
* [http://planet-if.com Planet IF], a collection of IF blogs.
* [http://www.brasslantern.org/ Brass Lantern], "the adventure game website," with information for beginners, and numerous reviews, articles, and other resources
* [https://www.ifarchive.org/ The IF Archive], the main repository for games, interpreters, and development systems.
* [http://www.xyzzynews.com/ XYZZY News], "the magazine for interactive fiction enthusiasts," with a wealth of older articles about IF.
* [http://www.spagmag.org SPAG (Society for the Promotion of Adventure Games)], an online magazine. (Last updated August 2016.)
* [http://www.brasslantern.org/ Brass Lantern], "the adventure game website," with information for beginners, and numerous reviews, articles, and other resources. (No longer updated.)
<!-- Creative Commons License -->
This work was created by [[Nick Montfort]] and is licensed under a [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/ Creative Commons License.]
<!-- /Creative Commons License -->
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==Newsgroups, Chatter, Events==

* '''rec.art.int-fiction''', the Usenet newsgroup known as "raif" and devoted to discussing of authoring interactive fiction. The right place to discuss programming, craft, and theory. [http://groups-beta.google.com/group/rec.arts.int-fiction raif on Google Groups], [http://www.plover.net/~textfire/raiffaq/FAQ.htm raif FAQ]
* '''rec.games.int-fiction''', the Usenet newsgroup known as "rgif" and devoted to playing games. Annoucements of new games, requests for hints, and reviews go here. [http://groups-beta.google.com/group/rec.games.int-fiction rgif on Google Groups]
* '''r*if''' is a term used to refer to both raif and rgif.
* [http://ifmud.port4000.com ifMUD], a MUD where members of the IF community hang out and chat.
* There is an annual awards ceremony on ifMUD for the [[XYZZY Awards]], the Oscars of interactive fiction. [http://www.xyzzynews.com/2003transcript.html Transcript from the 2003 XYZZY Awards, February 28, 2004]

Latest revision as of 18:52, 18 November 2023

The ifwiki Interactive Fiction FAQ offers succinct and current information for newcomers to IF and the IF community. It answers those questions that come up frequently and directs readers to the most important online resources. While the FAQ is meant to be a useful part of ifwiki, it also should serve well read offline or printed out.

What is "interactive fiction"?

In the past, the term referred mainly to parser-based programs (usually called "games" or, less often, "works") that let you type commands to a character. This character wanders around in a simulated world of some sort, typically one that is described in text. These parser-based games are sometimes called "text adventures." Examples include Adventure, Zork, Deadline, Planetfall, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Hobbit, and Curses.

More recently, the IF community has expanded its definition of interactive fiction to include choice-based works (sometimes called CYOA) as well. In choice-based IF, players navigate through the story by selecting hyperlinks, or by periodically choosing from a list of options to determine how the story will progress.

Some people include gamebooks and graphical adventure games such as Myst when they use the term interactive fiction, but those sorts of works aren't the focus of this FAQ, nor the main concern of the IF community.

The ifwiki offers a formal definition of interactive fiction; for another definition, see Frequently Asked Questions About Interative Fiction at the IFTF website. There is an older discussion of the topic in the rec.arts.int-fiction FAQ; and other definitions can be found in various works, such as the book Twisty Little Passages.

What happened to Infocom (Magnetic Scrolls, Level 9, etc.)?

None of the companies that produced IF during the 1980s are still around and producing IF. Infocom was acquired by Activision in 1986, for instance, and is now a (not very active) "label" of that company. Activision abandoned the Infocom trademark around 2002 (though not the copyright to the games); Pete Hottelet of Omni Consumer Products LLC acquired the trademark in 2007.

Interactive fiction from the Infocom era is often hard to find outside of abandonware sites and online auction sites, although some of it has been made available to the public by the company that produced it.

How can I download and play IF?

The Boston IF group The People's Republic of Interactive Fiction maintains a page of IF titles playable in your browser if you just want to get started quickly.

Many IF systems let you play in a web browser, and nearly all games are free to download. The Interactive Fiction Database is a community-edited IF catalog of thousands of free games available to play online and download, and includes ratings, reviews, and many other features to make finding and playing games easier.

To play a game online, you can find a game at IFDB and check to see if there is a "Play Online" link.

If you want to play offline, then in addition to downloading the game itself (commonly called the "story file"), you may also need to download an interpreter to run the game. Just like you need a player for music or video files, many IF games require an interpreter to run. The IFDB can help you download the correct interpreter, or you can choose one yourself:

By format ADRIFTAdvSysAGTAlanGlulxHugoMagnetic ScrollsTADSZ-code
By system BrowserAndroidiOSLinuxmacOSWindows
Browse Recommended interpretersSearch formDrilldown
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Some interpreters are convenient because they can run IF created in multiple authoring systems. However, to see all the features of some games you may want a format-specific player; QTads is an example of a player created for a specific authoring system, TADS, and many other interpreters are available for specific combinations of formats and systems.

Most of the games in the IFDB are hosted by the IF Archive, the main repository for free interactive fiction. It includes not only many games, but walkthroughs, interpreters, authoring systems, and more.

Where can I find out what games I might enjoy?

  • IFDB, the Interactive Fiction Database, is a catalog of thousands of IF games. You can search for highly-rated games, read reviews, browse recommended lists, or create a poll to ask other users for suggestions.
  • Look back through past XYZZY winners or games that did well in the IF Competition.
  • Peruse the IF review sites. One of the best is SPAG.
  • Several members of the community have extensive collections of their personal recommendations, for instance, Emily Short.

What can I do when I get stuck?

If you've never played parser-based interactive fiction before, you may want to check out this beginner's postcard guide to IF, created by the People's Republic of Interactive Fiction,

Some games have in-game hints; in a parser-based interactive fiction game, try typing 'help', 'hint', 'hints', 'about', or 'think'. For some games, hints or a walkthrough (a list of commands that will win the game, sometimes annotated) may be available on the IFDB, IF Archive, or elsewhere on the Web. You can also ask fellow players for a hint on IF community sites (see below). Just be sure to include a spoiler warning and spoiler space before you reveal any details of the game, so you don't ruin the game for others by giving away some of its surprises.

How can I post a review of a game I've finished?

You can simply post a review to one of the community forums (see below), as many people traditionally do with IF Comp games. You can also put your review on the IFDB, or post it on your own site or blog.

What is this "IF Comp"?

The Annual IF Competition is an Internet-wide competition for short games (ones you can complete in less than two hours), started in 1996 and currently run by Jacqueline Ashwell. Anyone who is online can vote in the competition. Having played and rated five games is the only qualification necessary for judges. Recent years have seen dozens of games: IF Comp 2021 had 71 entries.

How can I write my own game?

Although some people develop IF from scratch in general-purpose programming languages, using one of the highly capable and free interactive fiction development systems will save you a lot of the grunt work involved in reinventing the wheel.

Check out IFWiki's list of stable authoring systems, or use this navigation box to find other authoring system pages:

Authoring systems
By style ParserChoiceParser-choice hybrid
By system BrowserAndroidiOSLinuxmacOSWindows
Browse Stable authoring systemsSearch formDrilldown
Other software InterpretersUtilities

Popular systems include Inform, TADS, Hugo, Adrift, and Quest, but there are others. In recent years other choice-based systems such as Undum and ChoiceScript have attracted authors as well.

Which development system is best?

There really isn't a way to say which IF system you should use; what you should do is take a look at all of them and see which one fits you best. One way for you to decide is to review many of them at Roger Firth's Cloak of Darkness page. Another might be to play a range of games in the IFDB and see what style of game you like the most. You should also consider the development communities for different systems, what reference information is available for each, the system's capabilities (including multimedia, if that's important to you), and whether interpreters are available on the platforms you care about.

How do I get people to test my game?

You can ask for testers on one of the community sites (see below). Often you'll have an easier time finding testers if you test a few games yourself.

How do I get people to play my game?

Releasing it in the IF Comp can be a very effective way, if it fits the bill by being a two-hour game that is not based on previous copyrighted work. There are other IF competitions at other points in the year which are less popular but still provide good ways to release a game. If you don't release your game as part of a competition, you should announce your game on the IF community sites (see below).

You may also want to publicize your game outside the IF community, if there are other groups who might be interested in it. For example, the Electronic Literature Organization, if your work is written for a literary audience, or TIGSource, if your IF might appeal to the general indie games community. Outside the IF community there are increasingly more competition venues and forums for games such as IF, and the ELO and TIGSource are good places to start looking.

Where can I talk with other people who are into IF?

A good place to start is the Interactive Fiction Community Forum. This forum has largely superseded rec.*.int-fiction.

The Interactive Fiction Database allows users to post reviews and to create polls asking for IF recommendations.

Planet IF is a blog aggregator that follows many IF-related blogs and RSS feeds.

For real-time interaction, IFers founded the ifmud in 1997, and it's still actively used today. The annual awards ceremony for the XYZZY Awards, the Oscars of interactive fiction, was held on ifmud for years (see the transcript from the 2013 XYZZY Awards here). The awards ceremony later moved to Twitter.

2009 saw the formation of the first IF meetup group, the Boston-based People's Republic of Interactive Fiction, and since then more groups have formed in Seattle, Chicago, and the San Francisco Bay area. The PR-IF hosted the first 'IF summit' at the games expo PAX EAST in 2010.

In 2019, the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation hosted NarraScope, a narrative games conference, for the first time.

The Communities category on IFWiki lists other communities and forums.

How can I keep up with IF news and events?

Besides following Planet IF and community forums, you can also check the front page of ifwiki or ifwiki's full-page event calendar. There is increasingly more IF discussion outside the community proper on social sites such as Twitter.

Welcome to the IF community!

Major Resources



This work was created by Nick Montfort and is licensed under a Creative Commons License.