IFComp 2012: Difference between revisions

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m (Added link to I. Kim's reviews. Not sure if the name is right.)
(fill in form; refresh IF Archive link)
(43 intermediate revisions by 11 users not shown)
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|Part of series=The Annual IF Competition
|IFDB event id=cycoo6pocnmkqhmi
|Image=IF Comp 2012 logo.png
|Organisers=Stephen Granade
|Award name=1
|Game=Andromeda Apocalypse
|Award name=2
|Award name=3
|Game=Guilded Youth
|Event dates={{Event date
|Event what=Registration begins
|Event when=2012/06/09
}}{{Event date
|Event what=Registration ends
|Event when=2012/09/01
}}{{Event date
|Event what=Submissions due
|Event when=2012/09/29
}}{{Event date
|Event what=Voting begins
|Event when=2012/09/30
}}{{Event date
|Event what=Voting ends
|Event when=2012/11/15
}}{{Event date
|Event what=Results announced
|Event when=2012/11/15
==Competition Schedule==
==Competition Schedule==
''As per the [http://ifcomp.org/comp12/schedule.html competition schedule] webpage.''
''As per the {{link|deadurl=http://ifcomp.org/comp12/schedule.html|archive=http://web.archive.org/web/20131209064809/http://ifcomp.org/comp12/schedule.html|competition schedule}} webpage.''
* June 9: The web site is open for business.
* June 9: The web site is open for business.
* September 1: Deadline for submission of intents.
* September 1: Deadline for submission of intents.
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28 games were released on 30-Sep-2012:
28 games were released on 30-Sep-2012:
* ''[[Andromeda Apocalypse]]'' ([[Marco Innocenti]]; Glulx).
# ''[[Andromeda Apocalypse]]'' ([[Marco Innocenti]]; Glulx).
* ''[[Body Bargain]]'' ([[Amanda Lange]]; Z-code).
# ''[[Eurydice]]'' (Anonymous; Z-code).
* ''[[Castle Adventure (by Chenoweth)|Castle Adventure]]'' ([[Ben Chenoweth]]; Z-code 8).
# ''[[Guilded Youth]]'' ([[Jim Munroe]]; Inform 7; Web browser).
* ''[[Changes]]'' ([[David Given]]; Z-code).
# ''[[Changes]]'' ([[David Given]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Escape From Summerland]]'' ([[Jenny Roomy]] (primary writer) and [[Jasmine Lavages]] (primary programmer); Z-code).
# ''[[Sunday Afternoon]]'' ([[Christopher Huang]] as "Virgil Hilts"; Z-code 8).
* ''[[Eurydice]]'' (Anonymous; Z-code).
# ''[[Spiral]]'' ([[Justin Morgan]]; Z-code 8).
* ''[[Fish Bowl]]'' ([[Ethan Rupp]] and [[Joshua Rupp]]; Z-code).
# ''[[Shuffling Around]]'' ([[Andrew Schultz]] as "Ned Yompus"; Glulx).
* ''[[Guilded Youth]]'' ([[Jim Munroe]]; Inform 7; Web browser).
# ''[[Body Bargain]]'' ([[Amanda Lange]]; Z-code), tied with<br />''[[A Killer Headache]]'' ([[Mike Ciul]]; Glulx).
* ''[[howling dogs]]'' ([[Porpentine]]; Twine; Web browser).
* ''[[In a Manor of Speaking]]'' ([[Hulk Handsome]]; Glulx).
<li value="10">''[[In a Manor of Speaking]]'' ([[Hulk Handsome]]; Glulx).</li>
* ''[[Irvine Quik & the Search for the Fish of Traglea]]'' ([[Duncan Bowsman]]; ADRIFT 4).
<li>''[[howling dogs]]'' ([[Porpentine]]; Twine; Web browser).</li>
* ''[[The Island]]'' ([[Old Andy]]; TADS 3).
<li>''[[Fish Bowl]]'' ([[Ethan Rupp]] and [[Joshua Rupp]]; Z-code).</li>
* ''[[J'dal]]'' ([[Ryan Kinsman]]; Glulx).
<li>''[[Escape From Summerland]]'' ([[Joey Jones]] as "Jenny Roomy" (primary writer) and [[Melvin Rangasamy]] as "Jasmine Lavages" (primary programmer); Z-code).</li>
* ''[[Kicker]]'' ([[Pippin Barr]]; Glulx).
<li>''[[Lunar Base 1]]'' ([[Michael Phipps]]; Z-code).</li>
* ''[[A Killer Headache]]'' ([[Mike Ciul]]; Glulx).
<li>''[[Murphy's Law]]'' ([[Scott Hammack]]; Z-code).</li>
* ''[[Last Minute]]'' ([[Ruderbager Doppelganger]]; Twine; Web browser).
<li>''[[J'dal]]'' ([[Ryan Kinsman]]; Glulx).</li>
* ''[[The Lift]]'' ([[Colin Capurso]]; Twine; Web browser).
<li>''[[Living Will]]'' ([[Mark Marino]]; Undum; Web browser).</li>
* ''[[Living Will]]'' ([[Mark Marino]]; Undum; Web browser).
<li>''[[Irvine Quik & the Search for the Fish of Traglea]]'' ([[Duncan Bowsman]]; ADRIFT 4).</li>
* ''[[Lunar Base 1]]'' ([[Michael Phipps]]; Z-code).
<li>''[[The Test is Now READY]]'' ([[Jim Warrenfeltz]]; Z-code).</li>
* ''[[Murphy's Law]]'' ([[Scott Hammack]]; Z-code).
<li>''[[Kicker]]'' ([[Pippin Barr]]; Glulx).</li>
* ''[[The Sealed Room]]'' ([[Robert DeFord]]; Alan 3).
<li>''[[Last Minute]]'' ([[Ruderbager Doppelganger]]; Twine; Web browser).</li>
* ''[[Shuffling Around]]'' ([[Ned Yompus]]; Glulx).
<li>''[[The Sealed Room]]'' ([[Robert DeFord]]; Alan 3).</li>
* ''[[Signos]]'' ([[Mauricio Diaz Garcia]] a.k.a. "M4u"; Quest).
<li>''[[Castle Adventure (by Chenoweth)|Castle Adventure]]'' ([[Ben Chenoweth]]; Z-code 8).</li>
* ''[[Spiral]]'' ([[Justin Morgan]]; Z-code 8).
<li>''[[Transit]]'' ([[Shaye]]; Twine; Web browser).</li>
* ''[[Sunday Afternoon]]'' ([[Virgil Hilts]]; Z-code 8).
<li>''[[The Island (by Brown)|The Island]]'' ([[Andrew Brown]] as "Old Andy"; TADS 3).</li>
* ''[[The Test is Now READY]]'' ([[Jim Warrenfeltz]]; Z-code).
<li>''[[Signos]]'' ([[Mauricio Diaz Garcia]] a.k.a. "M4u"; Quest).</li>
* ''[[Transit]]'' ([[Shaye]]; Twine; Web browser).
<li>''[[Valkyrie]]'' ([[Emily Forand]]; Twine; Web browser).</li>
* ''[[Valkyrie]]'' ([[Emily Forand]]; Twine; Web browser).
<li>''[[The Lift]]'' ([[Colin Capurso]]; Twine; Web browser).</li>
==2012 Miss Congeniality Awards==
These awards were voted by the authors of the entries.
# ''[[Guilded Youth]]'' ([[Jim Munroe]]; Inform 7; Web browser).
# ''[[Escape From Summerland]]'' ([[Joey Jones]] as "Jenny Roomy" (primary writer) and [[Melvin Rangasamy]] as "Jasmine Lavages" (primary programmer); Z-code).
# ''[[Sunday Afternoon]]'' ([[Christopher Huang]] as "Virgil Hilts"; Z-code 8).

* [http://ifcomp.org/ IF Comp website].
* [https://ifcomp.org/comp/2012 Results archive].
* {{link|deadurl=http://www.ifcomp.org/comp12/index-original.html|archive=http://web.archive.org/web/20131208072850/http://www.ifcomp.org/comp12/index-original.html|IF Comp 2012}} - The original official site.
* [{{ifarchive index link|games/competition2012/}} IF Archive].
* {{Mathbrush ifcomp review|year=2012|url=https://intfiction.org/t/history-of-ifcomp-year-by-year-2012-howling-dogs-twine/11558}}.

'''SPOILER WARNING:''' the following links contain (potentially spoilery) reviews of games from this IF Comp. You might prefer to wait until you've played the games before reading them, if you intend to judge the competition and don't want to be influenced.
* [http://ifdb.org/search?searchbar=tag%3AIF+Competition+2012+%23reviews%3A1- Reviews] - at [[IFDB]].
* [http://ifdb.tads.org/search?searchbar=tag%3AIF+Competition+2012+%23reviews%3A1- Reviews] - at [[IFDB]].
* [http://www.ifreviews.org/index.php?votacao=138 Reviews] - at [[IFRO]].
* [http://www.ifreviews.org/index.php?votacao=138 Reviews] - at [[IFRO]].
* [http://sparklyifreviews.wordpress.com/ Author-friendly feedback] - at [[Sparkly IF Reviews]].
* [http://forum.ifiction.ru/viewtopic.php?id=1821 Reviews (in Russian)] - at the Russian IF forum.
* [http://www.intfiction.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=6260 Reviews] by [[AceRuley]].
* [http://firionkenson.wordpress.com/tag/IFComp2012 Reviews] by [[Reina Adair]].
* [http://gamesjournal.wordpress.com/tag/if-comp-12/ Reviews] by [[Philip Armstrong]].
* [http://gamesjournal.wordpress.com/tag/if-comp-12/ Reviews] by [[Philip Armstrong]].
* [http://maga-dogg.livejournal.com/tag/ifcomp%202012 Reviews] by [[Sam Kabo Ashwell]].
* [http://maga-dogg.livejournal.com/tag/ifcomp%202012 Reviews] by [[Sam Kabo Ashwell]].
* [http://blog.ifwizz.de/archives/275-IF-Comp-2012-Reviews.html Reviews (in German)] by [[Martin Barth]].
* [http://blog.ifwizz.de/archives/275-IF-Comp-2012-Reviews.html Reviews (in German)] by [[Martin Barth]].
* [http://www.joltcountry.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=8568 Reviews] by [[Jon Blask]].
* [http://www.joltcountry.com/index.php/features/roody-yogurt-reviews-if-competion-12-games-part-one Reviews: 1], [http://www.joltcountry.com/index.php/features/roody-yogurt-reviews-if-competion-12-games-part-two 2], and [http://www.joltcountry.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=8568 3] by [[Jon Blask]].
* [http://simonsjournal.wordpress.com/category/ifcomp-2012/ Reviews] by [[Simon Christiansen]].
* [http://simonsjournal.wordpress.com/category/ifcomp-2012/ Reviews] by [[Simon Christiansen]].
* [http://wadesblogofifcomp2012.blogspot.com/ Reviews] by [[Wade Clarke]].
* [http://ifdb.org/allreviews?sortby=ttl&newSortBy.x=0&newSortBy.y=0&id=pnol3f188wivwc6q&ratings=&tag=IFComp+2012 Reviews of 25 of the entries in alphabetical order at IFDB] by [[Wade Clarke]].
* [http://www.goodolddays.net/article/id%2C9/The+18th+Annual+Interactive+Fiction+Competition.html Reviews] by [[Mr Creosote]].
* [http://www.goodolddays.net/article/id%2C9/The+18th+Annual+Interactive+Fiction+Competition.html Reviews] by [[Mr Creosote]].
* [http://lmdadventures.blogspot.com/2012/10/if-comp-2012.html Reviews] by [[Lynnea Dally]].
* [http://georgedorn.livejournal.com/tag/ifcomp12 Reviews] by [[George Dorn]].
* [http://georgedorn.livejournal.com/tag/ifcomp12 Reviews] by [[George Dorn]].
* [http://vivdunstan.livejournal.com/81931.html Scores and thoughts] by [[Vivienne Dunstan]].
* [http://jearl.livejournal.com/tag/interactive%20fiction Reviews] by [[Jennifer Earl]].
* [http://jearl.livejournal.com/tag/interactive%20fiction Reviews] by [[Jennifer Earl]].
* [http://runnerchild.livejournal.com/tag/ifcomp%202012 Reviews] by [[Elizabeth]] (runnerchild).
* [http://runnerchild.livejournal.com/tag/ifcomp%202012 Reviews] by [[Elizabeth]] (runnerchild).
* [http://avventuretestuali.blogspot.it/ Reviews (in Italian)] by [[Marco Falcinelli]].
* [http://www.bubblycloud.com/ifcomp2012/ Notes] by [[David Fletcher]].
* [http://gamingphilosopher.blogspot.com/search/label/IF%20comp%202012 Reviews] by [[Victor Gijsbers]].
* [http://gamingphilosopher.blogspot.com/search/label/IF%20comp%202012 Reviews] by [[Victor Gijsbers]].
* [http://www.intfiction.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=5987 Reviews] by [[Healy]].
* [http://www.intfiction.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=5987 Reviews] by [[Healy]].
* [http://www.octopusoverlords.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=83437 Reviews] by [[Hipolito]].
* [http://www.octopusoverlords.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=83437 Reviews] by [[Hipolito]].
* [http://www.ricordius.com/others/ifcomp12/index.html Reviews] by [[Christopher Huang]].
* [http://issyifonly.wordpress.com/category/if-comp-2012/ Reviews] by [[Issy]].
* [http://www.intfiction.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=6104 Reviews] by [[E. Joyce]].
* [http://www.intfiction.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=6104 Reviews] by [[E. Joyce]].
* [http://indiegames.com/cgi-bin/mt5/mt-search.cgi?blog_id=14&tag=interactive%20fiction Reviews] by [[Cassandra Khaw]].
* [http://indiegames.com/cgi-bin/mt5/mt-search.cgi?blog_id=14&tag=interactive%20fiction Reviews] by [[Cassandra Khaw]].
* [http://www.deirdrakiai.com/tag/ifcomp-2012/ Reviews] by [[Deirdra Kiai]].
* [http://themightyif.tumblr.com/post/33233776955 Reviews] by [[If Kim]].
* [http://themightyif.tumblr.com/post/33233776955 Reviews] by [[If Kim]].
* [http://isquiesque.livejournal.com/tag/interactive%20fiction Reviews] by [[Jacqueline A. Lott]].
* [http://isquiesque.livejournal.com/tag/interactive%20fiction Reviews] by [[Jacqueline A. Lott]].
* [http://www.intfiction.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=6043 Reviews] by [[lunula]].
* [http://www.intfiction.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=6043 Reviews] by [[lunula]].
* [https://hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu/~mcmartin/if/reviews/review12.html Reviews] by [[Michael Martin]].
* [https://hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu/~mcmartin/if/reviews/review12.html Reviews] by [[Michael Martin]].
* [http://www.the-wabe.com/if-comp-2012/ Reviews] by [[Rob Menke]].
* [http://www.wurb.com/stack/index.php?s=IFComp+2012 Reviews] by [[Carl Muckenhoupt]].
* [http://www.wurb.com/stack/index.php?s=IFComp+2012 Reviews] by [[Carl Muckenhoupt]].
* [http://www.intfiction.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=5969 Reviews] by [[Marius Müller]].
* [http://www.intfiction.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=5969 Reviews] by [[Marius Müller]].
* [http://orestesdrunk.wordpress.com/?s=if+comp+2012 Reviews] by [[Gabriel Murray]].
* [http://therestofyourmice.blogspot.com/2012/10/ifcomp-2012-reiews.html Reviews] by [[Steven Odhner]].
* [http://therestofyourmice.blogspot.com/2012/10/ifcomp-2012-reiews.html Reviews] by [[Steven Odhner]].
* [http://tmft.wordpress.com/category/genre/interactive-fiction/ Reviews] by [[Tracy Poff]].
* [http://pissylittlesausages.wordpress.com/category/if-comp-12/ Reviews] by [[Jenni Polodna]].
* [http://pissylittlesausages.wordpress.com/category/if-comp-12/ Reviews] by [[Jenni Polodna]].
* [http://fouldeformity.blogspot.com/search/label/2012%20IF%20Comp Reviews] by [[Brooks Reeves]].
* [http://emshort.wordpress.com/?s=%22if+comp+2012%22 Reviews] by [[Emily Short]].
* [http://emshort.wordpress.com/?s=%22if+comp+2012%22 Reviews] by [[Emily Short]].
* [http://squinky.me/tag/ifcomp-2012/ Reviews] by [[Dietrich Squinkifer|Squinky]].
* [http://tollivanders.wordpress.com/category/ifcomp2012/ Reviews] by [[Tollivanders]].
* [http://tollivanders.wordpress.com/category/ifcomp2012/ Reviews] by [[Tollivanders]].
* [http://blog.templaro.com/?cat=32 Reviews] by [[Jack Welch]].
* [http://blog.templaro.com/?cat=32 Reviews] by [[Jack Welch]].
* [http://bishopsreviews.wordpress.com/?s=ifcomp+2012 Reviews] by [[Jake Wildstrom]].
* {{link|deadurl=http://becausehistorymatters.wordpress.com/|Reviews}} by [[you find yourself in a room]].

{{stub|Waiting for review links, results, etc.}}

[[Category:Annual IF Competition]]
[[Category:Annual IF Competition]]

Latest revision as of 01:14, 21 March 2025

IFComp 2012
IF Comp 2012 logo.png
Part of series The Annual IF Competition
Website https://ifcomp.org/comp/2012
Organiser Stephen Granade
IFDB event page Event
IFDB series page Series
Total entries 28
Event dates
Registration begins 9 Jun 2012
Registration ends 1 Sep 2012
Submissions due 29 Sep 2012
Voting begins 30 Sep 2012
Voting ends 15 Nov 2012
Results announced 15 Nov 2012
1 Andromeda Apocalypse
2 Eurydice
3 Guilded Youth
Edit this infobox

Competition Schedule

As per the competition schedule (archive) webpage.

  • June 9: The web site is open for business.
  • September 1: Deadline for submission of intents.
  • September 29: Deadline for entries.
  • c. October 1: Entries released to the public.
  • November 15: Voting deadline.

Deadlines are at 11:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time on the day listed above.


28 games were released on 30-Sep-2012:

  1. Andromeda Apocalypse (Marco Innocenti; Glulx).
  2. Eurydice (Anonymous; Z-code).
  3. Guilded Youth (Jim Munroe; Inform 7; Web browser).
  4. Changes (David Given; Z-code).
  5. Sunday Afternoon (Christopher Huang as "Virgil Hilts"; Z-code 8).
  6. Spiral (Justin Morgan; Z-code 8).
  7. Shuffling Around (Andrew Schultz as "Ned Yompus"; Glulx).
  8. Body Bargain (Amanda Lange; Z-code), tied with
    A Killer Headache (Mike Ciul; Glulx).
  1. In a Manor of Speaking (Hulk Handsome; Glulx).
  2. howling dogs (Porpentine; Twine; Web browser).
  3. Fish Bowl (Ethan Rupp and Joshua Rupp; Z-code).
  4. Escape From Summerland (Joey Jones as "Jenny Roomy" (primary writer) and Melvin Rangasamy as "Jasmine Lavages" (primary programmer); Z-code).
  5. Lunar Base 1 (Michael Phipps; Z-code).
  6. Murphy's Law (Scott Hammack; Z-code).
  7. J'dal (Ryan Kinsman; Glulx).
  8. Living Will (Mark Marino; Undum; Web browser).
  9. Irvine Quik & the Search for the Fish of Traglea (Duncan Bowsman; ADRIFT 4).
  10. The Test is Now READY (Jim Warrenfeltz; Z-code).
  11. Kicker (Pippin Barr; Glulx).
  12. Last Minute (Ruderbager Doppelganger; Twine; Web browser).
  13. The Sealed Room (Robert DeFord; Alan 3).
  14. Castle Adventure (Ben Chenoweth; Z-code 8).
  15. Transit (Shaye; Twine; Web browser).
  16. The Island (Andrew Brown as "Old Andy"; TADS 3).
  17. Signos (Mauricio Diaz Garcia a.k.a. "M4u"; Quest).
  18. Valkyrie (Emily Forand; Twine; Web browser).
  19. The Lift (Colin Capurso; Twine; Web browser).

2012 Miss Congeniality Awards

These awards were voted by the authors of the entries.

  1. Guilded Youth (Jim Munroe; Inform 7; Web browser).
  2. Escape From Summerland (Joey Jones as "Jenny Roomy" (primary writer) and Melvin Rangasamy as "Jasmine Lavages" (primary programmer); Z-code).
  3. Sunday Afternoon (Christopher Huang as "Virgil Hilts"; Z-code 8).



The Annual IF Competition
Browse by Year 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Platforms ADRIFTAlanGlulxHugoTADS 2TADS 3TwineZ-CodeOther
Features Golden Banana of DiscordMiss CongenialityRising StarNon-EnglishPrizesStatisticsT-shirtsTwo hour rule
See also CompXXIF Comp works