Works by year in which their stories took place
From IFWiki
This is a list of games sorted by the year in which each of them takes place. If the game doesn't explicitly name the year but we can still figure it out somehow, we should add a comment after the listing explaining how we know what year it is.
Time travel games like Jigsaw should probably be only listed once for now, preferably listed under the player character's time of origin. It is acceptable to add a comment listing all the years which the PC is able to visit.
Games that take place in the Zork universe ought not to be listed here; instead, please use the GUE article page to document what took place when in Zorkian history.
Games list
- 1001 BC: 1001 BC (Pierre Giroud, publisher: Ere informatique; 1986; Amstrad CPC; French).
- c. 44 BC: Mentula Macanus: Apocolocyntosis (Adam Thornton as "One of the Bruces" and Drunken Bastard; 2010 and 2011; Glulx). Approximate date based on the death of Julius Caesar, who is seen alive near the beginning of the game, but dead near the end.
- 28 AD: Jesus of Nazareth (Paul Allen Panks; 2005; MS-DOS).
- early 1580s: Metamorphoses (Emily Short; 2000; Z-code). According to this SPAG Specifics review, "the game can be reliably dated as set in the early 1580s (through the John Dee reference)".
- 1600: James Clavell's Shogun (Dave Lebling, publisher: Infocom; 1989; Z-code).
- c. 1603: The King of Shreds and Patches (Jimmy Maher; 15-Jul-2009; Glulx).
- 1699: Han d'Islande (François Bonneville, graphics: Agnès Bonneville and François Gay, publisher: Loriciels; c. 1987; Amstrad CPC; French).
- c. 1770s or 1780s: Savoir-Faire (Emily Short; 2002; Z-code). Although the exact year can not be determined, features such as the incomplete solar system model help place the game somewhen within the 18th century -- more precisely, in the 1770s or 1780s, according to this interview.
- August 1779: Countdown 1 - the Body (Ben Croshaw; 2007; Z-code).
- July 1795 (Messidor an III): Conspiration (story: E. Beaujouan, graphics: M. Randjelovic, publisher: Ubi soft; 1988; Amstrad CPC; French). The beginning of the game takes place on January 21, 1988.
- 1805: Blighted Isle (Eric Eve; 14-Jul-2007; TADS 3). Note: Although this game begins in 1805, it's somewhat less clear when the bulk of the game takes place.
- 1863: Lord Bellwater's Secret (Sam Gordon; 2007; Z-code).
- 1876: The Cove (Kathleen M. Fischer; 2000; Z-code).
- 1886: Muse: An Autumn Romance (Christopher Huang; Oct-1998; Z-code).
- 1893: 1893: A World's Fair Mystery (Peter Nepstad; 2002; TADS 2).
- c. 1910: Fine-Tuned (Dennis Jerz; 2001; Z-code).
- 1935: Ghost Train (Paul T. Johnson; 2003; Z-code).
- 1938: Crash Garrett (Johan Robson, programming: Patrick Dublanchet, publisher: Ere informatique; 1987; Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Amiga, MS-DOS; French).
- 1940: Shelter from the Storm (Eric Eve; 31-May-2009; TADS 3). October.
- 1942: Hey, Jingo! (Caleb Wilson; 2002; Glulx). June 12th.
- 1966: Beyond (Roberto Grassi, Paolo Lucchesi, graphics: Alessandro Peretti, publisher: Mondi Confinanti; 01-Oct-2005; Glulx, Z-code).
- 1981: 1981 ("A.D. McMlxxxi"; 2001; Z-code).
- 1982: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams and Steve Meretzky; publisher: Infocom; 1984; Z-code). According to one of the game's feelies, the game happens on October 4th, 1982.
- 1985: Dung Beetles Are Aliens! (Duncan Bowsman; 2009; ADRIFT 4).
- 1986: Little Billy (Okey Ikeako; 2000; MS-Windows). The end of the game takes place on March 3, 1986.
- 1988: Digital: A Love Story (Christine Love; 2010; Ren'Py; Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux). Set "five minutes into the future of 1988".
- 1989: Mindfighter (Anna Popkess and Fergus McNeill, publisher: Activision; 1988; various platforms). Post-apocalyptic future.
- 1990: John's Fire Witch (John T. Baker II; 1995; TADS 2). December.
- 1997: Aunt Nancy's House (Nate Schwartzman; 1997; Z-code).
- 2000: Memories (Guilherme Holt De Sousa; 2001; TADS 2).
- 2002:
- All six games from Speed-IF 17 occur simultaneously on December 31, 2002:
- 2604 (Admiral Jota; 2001; Z-code).
- December 31, 2002 (Christopher Shelton; 2001; Z-code)
- A Stroll on the Roof (Sam Thursfield; 2001; Z-code)
- stupidgame (Sam Kabo Ashwell; 2001; TADS 2).
- Tooth Ow Zunden Too (Duncan Cross; 2001; Z-code).
- Why does my New Year's Eve always crash and burn? (Peter Berman; 2001; TADS 2).
- All six games from Speed-IF 17 occur simultaneously on December 31, 2002:
- 2009: Game Developers Conference 2009 (Jim Munroe; 2009; Z-code 8).
- 2010: Leadlight (Wade Clarke; 2010; Apple II and web browser). The game's introduction reveals the date to be August 14, 2010.
- 2040: Roofed (Jim Munroe; 2010; Z-code).
- 2042: Nostradamus's Onion Sandwich (David A. Cornelson; 1999; Z-code 5).
- 2044: Pantomime (Robb Sherwin; 2006; Hugo).
- 2112: 2112 (George K. Algire; 2001; MS-Windows).
- 2150: Sabotage! (Felix Plesoianu; 2006; Z-code).
- 2165: Drone Academy: Building Tomorrow's Soldiers (Dew; 2006; ADRIFT 4).
- February 2386: Countdown 3 - the Mind (Ben Croshaw; 2007; Z-code).
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TODO: I've started this page with the more obvious entries, but I'm certain many more can be added. -- David Welbourn 14:43, 13 November 2009 (UTC)
TODO: I've started this page with the more obvious entries, but I'm certain many more can be added. -- David Welbourn 14:43, 13 November 2009 (UTC)