From IFWiki
CAAD (Club de Aventuras AD) is the current main group of Spanish adventures players and creators. CAAD's activities are mainly centered on
- CAAD's webpage
- CAAD's forums
- The SPAC and CAAD fanzines
- Hosting several IF related fanzines
- Spanish irc channel #caad
- The Spanish IF wiki WikiCAAD.
Adventure creation is also encouraged from CAAD through competitions, including the Premios Hispanos de la Aventura (Adventure Hispanic Awards).
See Also
- CAAD - "Club de Aventuras AD": Spanish IF Community webpage.
- SPAC - "Sociedad para la Preservación de las Aventuras Conversacionales" (Society for the Preservation of Conversational Adventures). SPAC is similar to, and inspired by, the SPAG magazine.
- WikiCAAD - The Spanish IF Wiki.
- History and works from the Wikipedia genre entry about the Spanish IF Community. (in Spanish.)
- Premios Hispanos Annual Spanish IF Competition (in Spanish) or read a translation in English.
- Planeta Aventurero (older entries from in the web Archvie - Blog of the Spanish IF Community (in Spanish).