To Hell in a Hamper

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Revision as of 13:56, 9 December 2021 by Robin Johnson (talk | contribs) (added steampunk)

IAA icon.png
InsideADRIFT Awards 2003
Most unusual setting/plot
IAA icon.png
InsideADRIFT Awards 2003
Best Small Game
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XYZZY Awards 2003
Finalist - Best Game, Best Writing, Best Story, Best Setting, Best use of Medium
To Hell in a Hamper
To Hell in a Hamper small cover.jpg
Author(s) Jason Guest
Publisher(s) n/a
Release date(s) Apr-2003
Authoring system ADRIFT 4 and TADS 2
Platform(s) ADRIFT 4 and TADS 2
Language(s) English
License(s) TBD
Color effects optional
Graphics yes, cover art in both ADRIFT and TADS versions
Sound/Music none
Cruelty scale Polite

How It Begins

Professor Pettibone, eminent Victorian balloonist, has a problem. He can't get it up. His balloon that is. If he can't reach an altitude of 20,000 feet, and soon, both he and his mysterious travelling companion Hubert Booby will be burned to a cinder by an erupting volcano! But what is Mr. Booby concealing under his overcoat?

Notable Features

  • Instead of a score, you have a reading on the altimeter.

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Trivia and Comments

  • This is one of the ADRIFT Recommended Games put together in 2005 by the ADRIFT Forum.
  • This game is mentioned in the prologue for Crimson Detritus (Mystery; 2003; ADRIFT 4).
  • The cover art is presented a little differently in each version. In ADRIFT, the cover art appears in its own window and has the title and author's name in white in the bottom left corner of the basic balloon image. In TADS, the cover art is presented centered in main text window, and is the basic balloon image without text on top of it. The cover art on IFDB and IFWiki has the basic balloon image enclosed in a "Wild West" frame that contains the title and author's name text.


Release 1 Competition Release

Release 1 TADS Port

Acorn Electron port

  • To Hell in a Hamper (porter: Dave Edwards; 2006; Acorn Electron).
    • To Hell in a Hamper - review from EUG #67, an issue of the online magazine for Electron users, at the Acorn Electron User Group site.
    • To Hell in a Hamper released for Acorn machines - thread on the ADRIFT Forum, started December 27, 2006. Jason didn't know about this port at first, but he sounds supportive as long he can get a copy to play on his Electron emulator.


