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Developer Petter Sjölund
Formats ADRIFT 4, AdvSys, AGT, Alan 2, Alan 3, Glulx, Hugo, Level 9, Magnetic Scrolls, ScottFree, TADS 2, TADS 3, Z-code
Interaction style
System macOS
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Latest version 1.2.7 / 13 Nov 2024
Status Stable
Uses AdvSys, AGiliTy, Alan, Bocfel, Fizmo, Frotz, Geas, Glulxe, Jacl, Level9, Magnetic, Plus, Scare, ScottFree, Mjr-T3, Taylor, Unquill, Hugo interpreter
Multimedia support Colors, graphics, sound
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Spatterlight is a unified IF interpreter for macOS. It was originally developed by Tor Andersson, and is now maintained by Petter Sjölund.

Spatterlight combines the abilities of many interpreters and is able to play games targeted for the following platforms: ADRIFT (up to version 4), AdvSys, AGT, Alan, Glulx, Hugo, Level 9, Magnetic, TADS 2, TADS 3, and Z-code (except version 6). HTML TADS is not supported yet (text only).

This makes it a good all-purpose interpreter that can play virtually all interactive fiction that is supported on the Mac.

It is replacing Cugel, from the same author.

See also: Gargoyle, a similar program for MS-Windows, macOS and Unix.

Spatterlight running The Weight of a Soul with custom settings


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