Works by IFID (T)
From IFWiki
- IFID:TADS2-0009C6BD11F41112184F6ABF6D179F4E = Glowgrass (Nate Cull; 1997).
- IFID:TADS2-000A933EA9C007F00AE5CCB956D7E615 = At the Top of Your Game (Daniel Freas; 2004).
- IFID:TADS2-013B9971AA44694BE6E933CF5305A89D = Arrival, or Attack of the B-Movie Clichés (Stephen Granade; 1998).
- IFID:TADS2-0179877E168D6C37AE6CABD71B17C98C = Sabotage on the Century Cauldron (Thomas de Graaff; 2005).
- IFID:TADS2-0274F26B216485C8039F36CD95B8F01C = I don't remember why this game is called "Onion" (Dan Shiovitz; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-02CB5FEE84E89CFF4E119F09A5C3AB71 = A Spliff in Time (Sam Kabo Ashwell as "George Tall"; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-047E3CF57E2CB9C3F43CEE5D5C6BB558 = To Hell in a Hamper (J.J. Guest; 2003).
- IFID:TADS2-057F9BCF65D0E8EC61662988741EFDC0 = Three Doors (Anonymous; 2003).
- IFID:TADS2-07D0E77A3122BAD063A7CDE992C7BFC6 = The Clock (Cleopatra Kozlowski; 2000).
- IFID:TADS2-0814D326F438D9935FF273418EA89588 = One Week (Papillon; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-09DECD7BE09CD75E0F729676B1E37271 = Learning to Cross (Mark Musante; 1998).
- IFID:TADS2-0A83C98AFF03A571348AAC655A988304 = TRUDGE (Neil deMause; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-0B06F0B53E4C4787579615CDE0454044 = Screw the Boston Tea Party (Iain Merrick; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-0C447EAE10AFC4C1D535180B0F056CD1 = Planet Y (Doug Jones; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-0D32CCD5342D0A7AB80C8D1DBA013BA0 = Into That Good Night (Iain Merrick; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-0FC918AAF2CB75E84F132CF05440CB50 = Ugly Chapter (Sam Kabo Ashwell; 2003).
- IFID:TADS2-13554B312C5D291C15B65CC651A3226D = Badland Machine (Sam Kabo Ashwell; 2003).
- IFID:TADS2-157F71CA1EBAC0678127DD197143278A = Babel (Ian Finley; 1997).
- IFID:TADS2-190948182C30BF6B422BCB78A7363FA3 = 1893: A World's Fair Mystery (Peter Nepstad; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-1BB29A541B42263991AA9BCDD5CD99D7 = The Yellow Stone (David Glasser; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-1BB33B66019C33B2070BDBFA3A26146F = Dig Dug (Anonymous; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-1BFDFCD8C1A2899008647E420A1EBF86 = Ballymun Adventure (Brendan Cribbin; 2006).
- IFID:TADS2-1C01506C8C0FAB56941E23B23BEDC5EB = The Frenetic Five vs. the Seven Deadly Dwarves (Neil deMause; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-1C0E019C5F964EEF610E18CC3F19DB43 = The Underoos That Ate New York (G. Kevin Wilson; 1994).
- IFID:TADS2-1D7203A3842B46435FCFDD1079E55E3B = A scurvy gift for Bosn Chuck (J. Robinson Wheeler; 2000).
- IFID:TADS2-204351900FB084E9E2548918A52063A8 = Everybody Loves a Parade (Cody Sandifer; 1997).
- IFID:TADS2-20CE1C052F891F579C127B3FCC794186 = I Went to the WTO Ministerial Conference and All I Got Was This Souvenir Delegate From Mauritius (Matthew Amster-Burton; 2000).
- IFID:TADS2-20EBEB0814132EEADBE3433127284422 = Erehwon (Richard Litherland; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-2326AB4348F0A4AC80A162868CB24E70 = The Legend of Lady Magaidh (Daniel Freas; 2003).
- IFID:TADS2-23A31C34959E009EBAEF8B7C3771ED74 = Dithyrambic Bastards (Sam Kabo Ashwell; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-2455F6F7D1AFDAD3F54434C57B863D64 = An Interlude in Nuln (The Joker; 2003).
- IFID:TADS2-2591CC187609D9989FE40D85C6AB36D0 = Glacial Rift of the Dick Cavett (Anonymous; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-261030C252C5B3AC3D2EC65D4060E13F = A Sugared Pill (Colin Borland; 2005).
- IFID:TADS2-2A73AD0E9A3602D7DB9F152BBA4B606D = Passing Familiarity (Papillon; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-2B3F0DCEA461A31D0873C565323C303C = Memories (Guilherme Holt De Sousa; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-2B967DF13D9CFFF865CD173701EA3608 = Lethe Flow Phoenix (Dan Shiovitz; 1995).
- IFID:TADS2-2BDE7675C3DEF49D7F223B7B790CBA88 = Till Death Makes a Monk-Fish Out of Me (Jon Ingold; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-2D2E4FCFAD9DFAEAD69721E0759883C0 = Aftermath (Graham Somerville; 2000).
- IFID:TADS2-2E4C180BC08AB84006B7539E7421835F = A Night At The Museum Forever (Chris Angelini; 1995).
- IFID:TADS2-2E4EAD255C0E59B22BD84BC3E54B4850 = Cranial Pounding (Simmon Keith Barney; 2004).
- IFID:TADS2-2F96BB1D5D56D98623BA0B889C592097 = At Wit's End Again (Mike Sousa; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-30ACC8496277106D6BEB174284907E25 = The Hose (Anonymous; 2000).
- IFID:TADS2-3171601DCB8FC88B3EB78692CF395228 = Above and Beyond! (Mike Sousa; 2000).
- IFID:TADS2-35866B5ED0DC1EE506C107E862AFEC5D = At Wit's End (Mike Sousa; 2000).
- IFID:TADS2-3B27DF5CDE4491323BBF563E116ABDCA = Alien Abduction? (Charles Gerlach; 1996).
- IFID:TADS2-451A0746D09C2792AF834D4CA0267AFB = The Five Tutors (Anonymous; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-45240E46895E11AE74C0EBCF0C9FCAA4 = Gilded (John Evans as "A Hazard"; 2005).
- IFID:TADS2-45F04A8BAB8564C3C79B789A9BB4C6E1 = The Carthage Corn Maze (Anonymous; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-4D2F62B9E3047003EFA4FF0FC6B7EED8 = A Gummi Bear's Night Out (Roger Carbol; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-4D445412A4ECBC4C8B9BAD17076D9821 = Digging thru Doctrine of the Dead (Simmon Keith Barney; 2004).
- IFID:TADS2-4D60FF33355112DFADBF55B300F08CC1 = Your mind is gone, it must be brought, you have some rock candy. (Lenny Pitts; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-510867CCFF38245567F9F29BF9579D8F = The Oracle (Brandon Allen; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-5258FB54904BF0A35396A9B92B76FD96 = For the Love Of Ornery Blue Yaks (Doug Jones; 2010).
- IFID:TADS2-5738BACEE0B9F16AC31F80CC582B72A1 = Blue Head Yurt (Anonymous; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-58EF1C59CB45D6BCB8FC8C39EDDFED32 = Spy in the Snow (Matthew Amster-Burton; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-5A75ABB07E0E9B70C57742D4DC1CD151 = Don't Fire Until You See The Yellows Of Their Niblets (Dan Shiovitz; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-5B874860B0A0DB133608E06F6F54192A = A Matter of Importance (Valentine Kopteltsev as "Nestor I. McNaugh"; 2007).
- IFID:TADS2-5B98D8BD686C81174CFF593091FC6C7A = Leatherworld (Roger Carbol; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-5C24A4740022D90E772364E621753C13 = Underground Compound (Anonymous; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-5C6D407EC866D5183A4736847DF845CB = The Legend Lives! (David M. Baggett; 1994).
- IFID:TADS2-5D30901B0B63CFF26BE81D2659545FF0 = A Bet's a Bet (Santa's Helper; 2004).
- IFID:TADS2-5F4A3DE82BC1015F81DD846742AB35FD = untitled (Moral Me This) (Mark Musante; 1998).
- IFID:TADS2-617C8D3C7C3D8F7234F49F7621533041 = A Moment of Hope (Simmon Keith Barney; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-6194AF33423D6F78CAC10A7EF343B54B = Berrost's Challenge (Mark Hatfield; 2008).
- IFID:TADS2-62421B823524200B9C71540DC3C6FA75 = Once and Future (G. Kevin Wilson; 1998).
- IFID:TADS2-65BF5F521077B0A695E401309B916D83 = Pillow (Chad Schultz; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-694A4C4AA24B5D564886DE1744F19A8F = Solid Leather (Simmon Keith Barney; 2004).
- IFID:TADS2-69FFA869972ACD709B31A05BAD57F653 = Living Room (Doug Jones and Peter Berman; 2000).
- IFID:TADS2-6BCBC722CEB13A504F470F35678C08D8 = The Hippo and the Flute (Anonymous; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-6F6B31F6071615622CA5A6B45D3CE2D3 = Tapper (Doug Jones; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-71DE9465A3B3077D37BC2D9850AC6254 = Till Death Makes a Monk-Fish Out of Me (Jon Ingold; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-7213718404E4B488B0F3A621B913F940 = Poor Zefron's Almanac (Carl Klutzke; 1997).
- IFID:TADS2-777906FB2575C03D75CF06F07419E82D = Speed5 (Lenny Pitts; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-7AEBCE9C6523F672209DD1A86F13378F = SLUDGE (Neil deMause; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-7C3ED35250647511BD54DF7964679BF3 = Threnody (John Schiff; 2005).
- IFID:TADS2-7C763ACF1D4CE99CD620033BC77942F6 = Manna (Sam Kabo Ashwell; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-7E191D8EC49266E87E15B644318A23F9 = Death Waif (Anonymous; 2000).
- IFID:TADS2-800172B0E584B6A4323A93AF540C5F35 = Maiden of the Moonlight (Brian P. Dean; 1996).
- IFID:TADS2-824471B9E859B2A4BDD02066682131E6 = The Landing (Neil K. Guy; 1998).
- IFID:TADS2-832BDE59060193767B77D17B7EAF69D0 = The Obscene Quest of Dr. Aardvarkbarf (Gary Roggin; 1997).
- IFID:TADS2-85691D8A8960BED7FE37481F9CF3C0D0 = LegBreaker 3k! (James Mitchelhill; 2000).
- IFID:TADS2-88ACFF12027F65D167811DA2BAC1BF84 = Grayscale (Daniel Freas; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-8ACF2552C187E0B00F3ED784D7208ABF = Ralph (Doug Jones; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-8E286913F8C1F6347B342605E5E3C437 = stupidgame (Sam Kabo Ashwell; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-91EE51CC6B59D363F7F33CDB9219E4D5 = Bad Machine (Dan Shiovitz; 1998).
- IFID:TADS2-91FF336FA79F112A8451B2605AA16F55 = Threading the Labyrinth (Kevin F. Doughty; 2000).
- IFID:TADS2-927DBD23A13A0CCFA77567359B8992D5 = The Tenyaka Memorial of Vegreville (Roger Carbol; 2003).
- IFID:TADS2-92CBAFB8F69CDBF1D8C32C249B89347B = A Rock and a Hard Place (J. Robinson Wheeler; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-93357F095AA96EEBAE7CCF07F4C5996B = SpeedApocalypse (Anonymous; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-950CC97D6256FEDD72A52A3AD1CBC200 = The Suffering Supplicant (Anonymous; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-9609B737E6853363565FCF286EA58F50 = Bolivia By Night (Aidan Doyle; 2005).
- IFID:TADS2-9983621FC00883FC615FCECD77ED5F2B = Lethe Flow Phoenix (Dan Shiovitz; 1995).
- IFID:TADS2-9B835872FD69038ADF439CEF4081E973 = I'm Gonna Take You To The Video Bar! (James Mitchelhill; 2004).
- IFID:TADS2-A4062E0D69D6976D0C916FEC180E7685 = Why does my New Year's Eve always crash and burn? (Anonymous; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-A49F4441B26E44344F76C82A3361101E = Losing Your Grip (Stephen Granade; 1998).
- IFID:TADS2-A4FECC5E535BF5268118E776973053C2 = Tall Tales in the Big Easy (Anonymous; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-A73C6DEC0FF14BAC7B921A9F1C527F98 = Off the Trolley (Krisztian Kaldi; 2005).
- IFID:TADS2-A812F700E27D750834536E9695AD0056 = Kids, don't eat your Halloween candy (Dan Shiovitz; 1998).
- IFID:TADS2-A866FF123D682EE411112D277321E1E8 = The Underoos That Ate New York (G. Kevin Wilson; 1994).
- IFID:TADS2-ADC5A0830ADF6A68959E81D895232E12 = Chancellor (Kevin Venzke; 2005).
- IFID:TADS2-AFC82D88FDD180102DE31B962996082C = The Legend Lives! (David M. Baggett; 1994).
- IFID:TADS2-B0B4A9EBE91F0A057D2B0FD666358C1E = The One That Got Away (Leon Lin as "The Author"; 1995).
- IFID:TADS2-B1907FDD45BA910C5850628633C3C569 = Pillow (Chad Schultz; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-B1D3A106C65F5899856BDB426659E251 = The Mechano-Menace! (A. Bomire; 2009).
- IFID:TADS2-B247CEF0AD7908D7182CBF2731190F54 = 8K Adventure (TADS port) (Paul Allen Panks, porter: Mark Musante; 2004).
- IFID:TADS2-B740916966C3F701E3827588E69650B8 = Beyond The Blue Event Wall (Mark J. Musante; 2003).
- IFID:TADS2-B9D4C9034B21BB9A00E3309FD9B5B9E8 = The Light: Shelby's Addendum (Colm McCarthy; 1996).
- IFID:TADS2-BAA68875B3191962579D38226696109C = All Alone (Ian Finley; 2000).
- IFID:TADS2-BD7EC13ECBBE04B9C570953978F76819 = Diorama (Anonymous; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-BED21440496F5378BEC47ADB9A3ED3DA = Things (Sam Kabo Ashwell and Jacqueline A. Lott; 2004).
- IFID:TADS2-C242C8DFCB4462FB0058529C5E6C2821 = Alien Abduction? (Charles Gerlach; 1996).
- IFID:TADS2-C26E4406AC7E0F6B0751E3006C46D672 = Final Assault of the Big Green Cliches (Sam Kabo Ashwell; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-C2C5E35CE24CB35C74E1A4B6D4FC71BE = The Weird Sister (Roger Carbol; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-C732D98839C6F743D9D5AD2E3981CF0A = Snowman Sextet Part I: But For A Single Flake (Roger Carbol; 2005).
- IFID:TADS2-C8AF542E55030AD23A5944E154819C73 = Tilt! (Mona Wuerz; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-CDE6855B4B8927998D311E372B07D86E = Aayela (Magnus Olsson; 1996).
- IFID:TADS2-D1C287FB1F219C1C84718D0A3EE3567B = A Brain in the Rain (Norman Perlmutter; 2003).
- IFID:TADS2-D1E2ADA4117401E8B2E041484756ED54 = The Maintenance Man (Philip Dearmore; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-D241E21A519ACDEF7FE2F3D1C7FEB69F = Hell in Highwater (J. Arthur; 2004).
- IFID:TADS2-D2A672661233F86E4473E00F0210A51E = Jeenin Tonn-nx (Anonymous; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-D4E423AC61D6DF6A34D26CD3B4FCD245 = It Could Only Happen To You (Mike Sousa; 2003).
- IFID:TADS2-D5EC02FB2B5D4161E297A54ECE28472F = The Frenetic Five vs. Mr. Redundancy Man (Neil deMause; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-D695683ABE29614A733C4A2AE1061106 = Yellow Dog Running (Sam Kabo Ashwell; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-D774E39ED3273917908F9732D5C3966C = ASCII and the Argonauts: Astral Plane (Peter Berman; 2003).
- IFID:TADS2-DBE66E9625E69358329E2B23265357A8 = The Bloody Mess (Doug Jones; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-DCDFC4A4B1EC68E69B740839B6C139FA = Adventures of Helpfulman (Philip Dearmore; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-DD534434D80645E6FA7F42C09EABAC00 = Casino Viridoso V (Anonymous; 2003).
- IFID:TADS2-DDB83235EC6AE087D59AA5F308A68B08 = Freedom (Anonymous; 2000).
- IFID:TADS2-DE6FF56FD763F7A272240CA66FDFD11E = You are a Chef! (Dan Shiovitz; 2000).
- IFID:TADS2-E12567BD8F81A44FA1AA3E3CE0E835C0 = At Wit's End (Mike Sousa; 2000).
- IFID:TADS2-E1D3014BD6C9D5CDA11C0179FC81C095 = Rivkin (Anonymous; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-E20298DEA64D683CAC45BF7C8C4D4952 = untitled (onion2.gam) (Anonymous; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-E37FDF6621FFDAD409D714F3C8936627 = Amnesia (Dustin Rhodes as crazydwarf; 2003).
- IFID:TADS2-E3B50A03A197D1D4240AF90EA467F8B5 = Stairs (Anonymous; 2000).
- IFID:TADS2-E4CBEE9ADF24A60AC827760676A38739 = Friendly Foe (Mike Sousa; 2003).
- IFID:TADS2-E5281A91907EB79990001E46FC81E34A = 21 Points (Anonymous; 2003).
- IFID:TADS2-E7E9C69AFE40D0C9D2587F5B6C25B0C2 = Fun and Games (Ian Finley; 2000).
- IFID:TADS2-E8F3E3E1FA610AE139A044D7863143CC = Aayela (Magnus Olsson; 1996).
- IFID:TADS2-E9D7AF9D4A0FEA53518EA1B637A5E523 = Friendly Foe (Mike Sousa; 2003).
- IFID:TADS2-E9FEC57AFE9327BC8B3BEC11D8AA02F7 = In Darkness (GoblinBoy; 2009).
- IFID:TADS2-EC5C52DB4A6B4CEF62FDBF7443402422 = Zymurgy (Roger Carbol; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-ECF88C3F75E39FFE90AEF1B2249AD48E = Arrival, or Attack of the B-Movie Clichés (Stephen Granade; 1998).
- IFID:TADS2-ECFD6642D2B9A61094083CF309E69E72 = Above and Beyond! (Mike Sousa; 2000).
- IFID:TADS2-EEA27B2E07B1C7D6509CB845DE84DF7A = Weaving a Basket (or Something) (Kevin Y.; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-EEA5E6B93F27C87281499BEF22BF7951 = Danger School (Dan Shiovitz; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-F01192D86C08DBC937035B00425B028C = Reality Show (Peter Berman; 2003).
- IFID:TADS2-F0C150E57561BEFA0AED865DD27DE9AC = The Tarot Reading (Michael Penman; 2003).
- IFID:TADS2-F10A65CAE8AFF47A8BC5A22FF4760D85 = MC (Stephen Granade; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-F17F9BF09A07AA392ED10D70D63ABBC1 = Time Place People Water Way (Adam Conover; 2004).
- IFID:TADS2-F195C4D53E0EC4E95771D851B9DC6378 = The Lion in Winter (Iain Merrick; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-F275EA68A4897FF07D8A4663F77758D8 = Zumpf and Fumping (Anonymous; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-F28DCA8C08A8BD7E5137AC3FF26B2178 = Metroid (Billy Rawls; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-F3A9C1A82245C21DC03D520EC2F731C8 = Babel (Ian Finley; 1997).
- IFID:TADS2-F3E51DBD6D24F61D8247BA7AFD551E58 = Amissville II (Santoonie Corporation; 2005).
- IFID:TADS2-F41C9551418431364E7B33E1E6BB3E72 = Augustine (Terrence V. Koch; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-F47DD85AF7D235742F7AE19D090B26E9 = Office Fantasy: The Boss' Wife (A. Bomire; 2008).
- IFID:TADS2-F63E7C174BB042C21C519DF95486F50D = Kiss Chase (Anonymous; 2002).
- IFID:TADS2-F6E3CAEA8B907A883B9257D7F1721A28 = Sabotage on the Century Cauldron (Thomas de Graaff; 2005).
- IFID:TADS2-F725DC2F7D2BB178C864101CA4AC90F5 = The Beetmonger's Journal (Scott Starkey; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-F85EA0CC9756A7CB319B830E1B73862C = The Holy Grail (Jim MacBrayne; 1989).
- IFID:TADS2-F8B46DFEC6AFC22588114B04DD44872E = The Beetmonger's Journal (Scott Starkey; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-F9A04BDE2659603DA3F34701881300D6 = Space Invaders! (Anonymous; 2001).
- IFID:TADS2-F9BA0D5847B05CFA5C058CA0A2F67C5B = untitled (speed.gam) (Lenny Pitts; 1999).
- IFID:TADS2-FBA4841CB95D1BBDD57347CCA16923A5 = Last Ride of the Night (Mordechai Shinefield; 2004).
- IFID:TADS2-FD4D7C809E2C333D8412F4ED4FC707B7 = Office Fantasy: Working Late (A. Bomire; 2008).
- IFID:TADS2-FD72C2E0CAAE49D2BEC00676996C3B44 = Xen: The Contest (Xentor; 2005).
- IFID:TADS2-FE1B457E28123A469DBD9E54DE4234AB = Maiden of the Moonlight (Brian P. Dean; 1996).
- IFID:TADS2-FF95FC0B8E2F9D55218D993F2F73B700 = Private Cyborg (Tony Ash; 2002).
- IFID:TADS3-0297F7DE9126880D36930431EFCFE4C0 = Oh Miranda! (Chrysoula Tzavelas; 2003).
- IFID:TADS3-048291237EC7F3A34C4D1B99EB6B639F = Three Doors (Søren J. Løvborg; 2003).
- IFID:TADS3-08AD903066F605F62B11790BA13809F2 = Mix Tape (Brett Witty; 2005).
- IFID:TADS3-241F7129E355899F9BD8A2986695CD8B = Square Circle (Eric Eve; 2004 )
- IFID:TADS3-32FEF414A7C4EABC609099CE9B8A11CA = Square Circle (Eric Eve; 2004 )
- IFID:TADS3-3BFAE48A6EA235DA88AFBD88F3EE14E5 = Negotis: Book 1 (Robert DeFord; 2005).
- IFID:TADS3-3F7A0FE4873CB52F1998607D9902C294 = Rat In Control (Michael J. Roberts; 2003).
- IFID:TADS3-479F0525A70BDE33459CAF894BB68013 = Xen: The Hunt (Ian Shlasko; 2006)
- IFID:TADS3-5F4DD8820176E9B42CED3008813E18DF = Evil Brain Five (Søren J. Løvborg; 2003).
- IFID:TADS3-81644EEDDD4F783162BACD3BFEBFA2DB = Shadows on the Mirror (Chrysoula Tzavelas; 2003)
- IFID:TADS3-86CC07371399925A570F2A73F530567D = The Midsummer Banquet (R. N. Dominick; 2002).
- IFID:TADS3-87C9F17B7FFCC25C492E2C6880212E10 = All Hope Abandon (Eric Eve; 2005).
- IFID:TADS3-906D06D1CD59791961ABD12EF8270C3B = Fish-Bot! (R. N. Dominick; 2003).
- IFID:TADS3-980A1988CEAA95C9D139F8433221F248 = I Must Play (Geoff Fortytwo; 2004).
- IFID:TADS3-A7F6C7FF21B2AB5252DD9E97FDBB7568 = Eric's Gift (Joao Mendes; 2002).
- IFID:TADS3-A81217A2D3E98E4D821D5F746C4DD097 = A Broken Man (Geoff Fortytwo; 2006).
- IFID:TADS3-B481AD7660237F9045D284E9B737D8CF = Max Blaster and Doris de Lightning Against the Parrot Creatures of Venus (Dan Shiovitz; 2003).
- IFID:TADS3-C33B159A7FBA83199AAC2B016FF04982 = SpeedIF of Destiny or Nothing, Punk (Søren J. Løvborg; 2003).
- IFID:TADS3-C5013B0CD4C7DB47FCAF21883B967917 = Death's Scavenger Hunt (R. N. Dominick; 2003).
- IFID:TADS3-CB532BEF8C0AB7669103835E47A19530 = Great Zimbabwe (Søren J. Løvborg; 2003).
- IFID:TADS3-E829EFB91B02AA499A0140C8D67704B1 = Dining With the Alien (R. N. Dominick; 2002).