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''This page is no longer updated. All of the contents on this page are set out in [[News in 2011]], [[News in 2012]] and [[News in 2013]].''
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==Game Releases==
==Game Releases==
===April 2011 Games Releases===
===September 2012 Game Releases===
* '''[[IF Comp 2012]]''' (30-Sep). 28 games by various authors.
===July 2012 Game Releases===
* '''[[IntroComp 2012]]''' (18-Jul). 6 games by various authors.
* '''[[The Andromeda Legacy™ Competition]]''' (01-Jul). 2 games by various authors.
===June 2012 Game Releases===
* '''[[Cover Stories]]''' (11-Jun). 12 games by various authors.
===April 2012 Game Releases===
* '''[[Spring Thing 2012]]''' (07-Apr). 4 games by various authors.
* ''[[Jay Is Ponies]]'' ([[JohnB]], [[Kyh]], [[Steve]], [[Tricky]], and [[Trinn]]; 01-Apr; Z-code 8).
===March 2012 Game Releases===
* ''[[Muggle Studies]]'' ([[M. Flourish Klink]]; 31-Mar; Glulx).
* '''[[Apollo 18+20: The IF Tribute Album]]''' (26-Mar). 38 games by various authors.
===December 2011 Game Releases===
* ''[[Le Temple Nâga]]'' ([[Natrium]]; 11-Dec; Z-code; French).
* ''[[Jour de Chance]]'' ([[Natrium]]; 19-Dec; Z-code; French).
===November 2011 Game Releases===
====Thanksgiving Speed-IF====
[[Thanksgiving Speed-IF]] released 6 games on 27-Nov:
* ''[[The Crystal Palace]]'' ([[Peter Orme]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Dragon Flies Like Labradorite]]'' ([[Troy Jones III]]; Z-code).
* ''[[The extraordinary events of the last day of Professor Mangleworth]]'' ("[[Taleslinger]]"; Z-code).
* ''[[To Catch A Dragonfly]]'' ([[Andrew Metzger]]; TADS 3).
* ''[[You are a Turkey!]]'' ([[Jacqueline A. Lott]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it]]'' ([[Justin de Vesine]]; Glulx).
===October 2011 Game Releases===
====IF Comp 2011====
[[IF Comp 2011]] released 38 games on 01-Oct:
* ''[[Andromeda Awakening]]'' ([[Marco Innocenti]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Awake the Mighty Dread]]'' ([[Lyle Skains]]; Glulx).
* ''[[Beet the Devil]]'' ([[Carolyn VanEseltine]]; Glulx).
* ''[[The Binary]]'' ([[Bloomengine]]; Web browser).
* ''[[Blind]]'' ([[Arman]]; TADS 2).
* ''[[Calm]]'' ([[Joey Jones]] and [[Melvin Rangasamy]]; Glulx).
* ''[[Cana According To Micah]]'' ([[Rev. Stephen Dawson]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Cold Iron]]'' ([[Lyman Clive Charles]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Cursed]]'' ([[Nick Rogers]]; ADRIFT).
* ''[[Dead Hotel]]'' ([[Comazombie]]; MS-Windows).
* ''[[Death of Schlig]]'' ([[Peter Timony]]; Glulx).
* ''[[The Elfen Maiden]]'' ([[Adam Le Doux]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Escape From Santaland]]'' ([[Jason Ermer]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Fan Interference]]'' ([[Andrew Schultz]]; Glulx).
* ''[[Fog Convict]]'' ([[Arman]]; TADS 2).
* ''[[The Guardian]]'' ([[Lutein Hawthorne]]; Z-code).
* ''[[The Hours]]'' ([[Robert Patten]]; Glulx).
* ''[[How Suzy Got Her Powers]]'' ([[David Whyld]]; ADRIFT).
* ''[[It (game)|It]]'' ([[Emily Boegheim]]; TADS 3).
* ''[[Keepsake]]'' ([[Savaric]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Kerkerkruip]]'' ([[Victor Gijsbers]]; Glulx).
* ''[[Last Day of Summer]]'' ([[Cameron Fox]]; Z-code).
* ''[[The Life (and Deaths) of Doctor M]]'' ([[Edmund Wells]]; Glulx).
* ''[[Luster]]'' ([[Jared Smith]]; Glulx).
* ''[[The Myothian Falcon]]'' ([[Andy Joel]]; Quest).
* ''[[Operation Extraction]]'' ([[Ming-Yee Iu]]; Web browser).
* ''[[PataNoir]]'' ([[Simon Christiansen]]; Glulx).
* ''[[The Play]]'' ([[Dietrich Squinkifer]], writing as Deirdra Kiai; Web browser).
* ''[[Playing Games]]'' ([[Pam Comfite]]; Glulx).
* ''[[Professor Frank]]'' ([[Laurence Kilday]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Return to Camelot]]'' ([[Po. Prune]]; ADRIFT).
* ''[[Sentencing Mr Liddell]]'' ([[I-K. Huuhtanen]]; Glulx).
* ''[[The Ship of Whimsy]]'' ([[U. N. Owen]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Six]]'' ([[Wade Clarke]]; Glulx).
* ''[[Taco Fiction]]'' ([[Ryan Veeder]]; Glulx).
* ''[[Ted Paladin And The Case Of The Abandoned House]]'' ([[Anssi Raisanen]]; Alan).
* ''[[Tenth Plague]]'' ([[Lynnea Dally]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Vestiges]]'' ([[Josephine Wynter]]; Z-code).
===July 2011 Game Releases===
====IntroComp 2011====
[[IntroComp 2011]] released 13 games on 01-Jul:
* ''[[Bender]]'' ([[Katz]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Choice of the Petal Throne]]'' ([[Danielle Goudeau]]; Web browser).
* ''[[Choice of Zombies]]'' ([[Heather Albano]]; Web browser).
* ''[[Chunky Blues]]'' ([[Scott Hammack]] and [[Jessamin Yu]]; Glulx).
* ''[[The Despondency Index]]'' ([[Ed Blair]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Exile]]'' ([[Simon]]; Web browser).
* ''[[Gargoyle (game)|Gargoyle]]'' ([[Simon]]; Web browser).
* ''[[Of Pots and Mushrooms]]'' ([[Devi]] and [[Maya]]; Web browser).
* ''[[Parthenon]]'' ([[Charles Wickersham]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Seasons]]'' ([[MT]]; Glulx).
* ''[[Speculative Fiction]]'' ([[Thomas Mack]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Stalling for Time]]'' ([[Dominic Delabruere]]; Z-code).
* ''[[The Z-Machine Matter]]'' ([[Zack Urlocker]]; Glulx).
===May 2011 Game Releases===
====Non-competition games====
* ''[[Cryptozookeeper]]'' ([[Robb Sherwin]]; Hugo).
====2011 AIF Mini-comp====
[[2011 AIF Mini-comp]] released 7 games on 19-May:
* ''[[Ashley's Story]]'' ([[Rip_CPU]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Buffy: Before the Date]]'' ([[Archer]]; ADRIFT 3.9).
* ''[[Last Horizons]]'' ([[GoblinBoy]]; TADS 2).
* ''[[The Princess and the Dragon]]'' ([[RogueAIF]]; TADS 3).
* ''[[Redskirt II: Another Piece of the Action]]'' ([[Begferdeth]]; Z-code).
* ''[[SS Whore]]'' ([[The Blue Satyr]]; ADRIFT 4).
* ''[[The Wingman]]'' ([[Dark Horse]]; ADRIFT 3.9).
====Indigo New Language Speed-IF====
[[Indigo New Language Speed-IF]] released 10 games on 07-May:
* ''[[The Blue Death]]''  ([[Eric Forgeot|Otto Grimwald]]; textallion and txt2cyoa; Web browser);
* ''[[The Cavity of Time]]'' ([[Sam Kabo Ashwell]]; Undum; Web browser);
* ''[[Haunted House]]'' ([[rockersuke]]; Z-code).
* ''[[In Memory]]'' ([[Jacqueline A. Lott]]; ADRIFT 4).
* ''[[IN-D-I-GO SOUL]]'' ([[Jonathan Blask|Roody Yogurt]]; Alan 3).
* ''[[Indigo]]'' ([[Emily Short]]; TADS 3).
* ''[[The Matter of the Monster]]'' ([[Andrew Plotkin]]; Undum; Web browser);
* ''[[The Singular Adventure of the Indigo Violet]]'' ([[David Fletcher]]; Curveship).
* ''[[Painting the Rainbow]]'' ([[Royce Odle]]; TADS 3).
* ''[[The Price]]'' ([[ChrisC]]; ChoiceScript; Web browser).
===April 2011 Game Releases===
====Non-competition games====
* ''[[Trapped]]'' ([[Kate Barnard]]; 14-Apr; Z-code).
* ''[[A Quest Only For The Noble]]'' ([[Jakob Gleby]]; 12-Apr; Z-code).
* ''[[A Quest Only For The Noble]]'' ([[Jakob Gleby]]; 12-Apr; Z-code).
* ''[[New Cat]]'' ([[Poster]]; 09-Apr; Z-code).
* ''[[New Cat]]'' ([[Poster]]; 09-Apr; Z-code).
* ''[[Empty rooms]]'' ([[Kevin Lovegreen]]; 06-Apr; Z-code).
* ''[[Empty rooms]]'' ([[Kevin Lovegreen]]; 06-Apr; Z-code).
* ''[[Motel California]]'' ([[Doug Schwartz]]; 01-Apr; Z-code).
* ''[[Motel California]]'' ([[Doug Schwartz]]; 01-Apr; Z-code).
====The Challenge====
[[The Challenge]] released 3 games on April 24:
* ''[[Mangiasaur]]'' ([[DCBSupafly]]; ADRIFT 4).
* ''[[Suburban Prodigy]]'' ([[Mike Desert]]; ADRIFT 4).
* ''[[Whitterscap's Key]]'' ([[Duncan Bowsman]]; ADRIFT 4).
====Speed-IF Jacket 4====
====Speed-IF Jacket 4====
* ''[[The Dream-Trap of Zzar]]'' ([[S. John Ross]]; 16-Apr; Z-code 8).
[[Speed-IF Jacket 4]] released 8 games on April 16:
* ''[[The Forests of Lachryma]]'' ([[Roger Carbol]]; 16-Apr; Z-code 5).
* ''[[The Dream-Trap of Zzar]]'' ([[S. John Ross]]; Z-code 8).
* ''[[Light Of My Stomach]]'' ([[David Fletcher]]; 16-Apr; TADS 3).
* ''[[The Forests of Lachryma]]'' ([[Roger Carbol]]; Z-code 5).
* ''[[Love, Hate and the Mysterious Ocean Tower]]'' ([[C.E.J. Pacian]]; 16-Apr; Z-code).
* ''[[Light Of My Stomach]]'' ([[David Fletcher]]; TADS 3).
* ''[[The man-eating, halitosic gorilla of Brazil]]'' ([[Marius M&uuml;ller]] as Leaner Gilts, "Strangle" Lei, Gain Tellers and Slat Leering; 16-Apr; Z-code 8).
* ''[[Love, Hate and the Mysterious Ocean Tower]]'' ([[C.E.J. Pacian]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Moondarkling: Elfboon]]'' ([[Sam Kabo Ashwell]]; 16-Apr; Z-code).
* ''[[The man-eating, halitosic gorilla of Brazil]]'' ([[Marius M&uuml;ller]] as "Leaner Gilts, 'Strangle' Lei, Gain Tellers and Slat Leering"; Z-code 8).
* ''[[Smoochiepoodle and the Bastion of Science]]'' ([[Carolyn VanEseltine]]; 16-Apr; Z-code).
* ''[[Moondarkling: Elfboon]]'' ([[Sam Kabo Ashwell]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Spectrum (by Sandel)|Spectrum]]'' ([[Colin Sandel]]; 16-Apr; Z-code 5).
* ''[[Smoochiepoodle and the Bastion of Science]]'' ([[Carolyn VanEseltine]]; Z-code).
* ''[[Spectrum (by Sandel)|Spectrum]]'' ([[Colin Sandel]]; Z-code 5).
====Spring Thing 2011====
====Spring Thing 2011====
* ''[[Bonehead]]'' ([[Sean M. Shore]]; 04-Apr; Glulx).
[[Spring Thing 2011]] released 5 games on April 4:
* ''[[Hallow Eve]]'' ([[Michael Wayne Phipps Jr.]]; 04-Apr; Glulx).
* ''[[Bonehead]]'' ([[Sean M. Shore]]; Glulx).
* ''[[The Lost Islands of Alabaz]]'' ([[Michael Gentry]]; 04-Apr; Glulx).
* ''[[Hallow Eve]]'' ([[Michael Wayne Phipps Jr.]]; Glulx).
* ''[[The Promise]]'' ([[Sean Huxter]]; 04-Apr; Glulx).
* ''[[The Lost Islands of Alabaz]]'' ([[Michael Gentry]]; Glulx).
* ''[[Wetlands]]'' ([[Clara Raubertas]]; 04-Apr; Glulx).
* ''[[The Promise]]'' ([[Sean Huxter]]; Glulx).
* ''[[Wetlands]]'' ([[Clara Raubertas]]; Glulx).

===March 2011 Games Releases===
===March 2011 Game Releases===
* ''[[My Girlfriend's An Evil Bitch]]'' ([[Divarin]]; 23-Mar; Glulx).
* ''[[My Girlfriend's An Evil Bitch]]'' ([[Divarin]]; 23-Mar; Glulx).
* ''[[Escape (by JB)|Escape Room]]'' ([[JB]] as; 02-Mar; Z-code 5; French).
* ''[[Escape (by JB)|Escape Room]]'' ([[JB]]; 02-Mar; Z-code 5; French).
====PAX East 2011 Speed-IF====
====PAX East 2011 Speed-IF====
* ''[[Bored Ladders]]'' (Marius M&uuml;ller as "Taleslinger"; 12-Mar; Z-code).
* ''[[Bored Ladders]]'' (Marius M&uuml;ller as "Taleslinger"; 12-Mar; Z-code).
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* ''[[Vault of Hugo II: Electric Boogaloo]]'' ([[Jon Blask]] as "Roody Yogurt"; 12-Mar; Hugo).
* ''[[Vault of Hugo II: Electric Boogaloo]]'' ([[Jon Blask]] as "Roody Yogurt"; 12-Mar; Hugo).

===January 2011 Game Releases===
* ''[[The Green Mountains]]'' ([[Clark Radwin]]; 16-Jan; Glulx).
* ''[[Safe (game)|Safe]]'' ([[Benjamin Wochinski]]; 09-Jan; Glulx).
* ''[[Necron's Keep]]'' ([[Dan Welch]]; 01-Jan; Glulx).
====Even Newer New Year's Speed IF====
* ''[[Baby Uncle New Year]]'' ([[Jonathan Blask]] as "Roody Yogurt"; 29-Jan; Hugo).
* ''[[The day I hugged Ghandi!]]'' ([[Taleslinger]]; 08-Jan; Z-code).
* ''[[Starborn]]'' ([[Juhana Leinonen]]; 08-Jan; Z-code).

''(See also [[Games Released in 2011]], [[Games Released in 2010]].)''
''(See also [[Games Released in 2012]].)''

==News and Reviews==
==News and Reviews==
===News and Reviews in January 2013===
* [ Issue #61] of [[SPAG]] (January 2, 2013) - now edited by [[Dannii Willis]]. Includes interviews with [[Jim Munroe]], [[Marco Innocenti]], and the author of ''[[Eurydice]]''; ''Shared Worlds — Collaboration in interactive fiction'', an article by [[Joey Jones]]; and SPAG Specifics for ''[[Deadline]]'' and ''[[Make It Good]]''.
===News and Reviews in February 2012===
* Issue 41 of the [[InsideADRIFT]] newsletter. [ Download] (zip file with a .pdf and 8 ADRIFT games).
===News and Reviews in June 2011===
* [[AIF Newsletter|Inside Erin: The AIF Newsletter]] Volume 7 Number 2 (June 2011) in [ pdf] and [ text] formats.
===News and Reviews in April 2011===
===News and Reviews in April 2011===
* [ Issue #60] of [[SPAG]] (April 25, 2011) - includes a write-up of the [[PAX East 2011|IF Demo Fair 2011]]; SPAG Specifics for ''[[Gigantomania]]''; interviews with [[Simon Christiansen]], [[Jason McIntosh]], [[Iain Merrick]], [[C.E.J. Pacian]], [[Colin Sandel]] & [[Carolyn VanEseltine]], and [[Matt Wigdahl]]; the Action Flow Chart for ''[[Hoist Sail for the Heliopause and Home]]''; and reviews of ''[[Death Off the Cuff]]'', ''[[Gris et Jaune]]'', ''[[The People's Glorious Revolutionary Text Adventure Game]]'', ''[[Starborn]]'', and the book ''[[Creating Interactive Fiction with Inform 7]]''.
* [ ADRIFT 5.0.16 Beta], the first ADRIFT 5 version available to everyone, was released.
* [ ADRIFT 5.0.16 Beta], the first ADRIFT 5 version available to everyone, was released.
* The [ eleventh PDF issue] of [[SPAC]] 2.0, the [[Spanish]] IF newsletter, has been published.
* The [ eleventh PDF issue] of [[SPAC]] 2.0, the [[Spanish]] IF newsletter, has been published.
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''(See also: [[News in 2011]], [[Reviews]], [[:Category:Publications|Publications]], [[:Category:Websites|Websites]], [ IF URLs], and [ Brass Lantern Game News].)''
''(See also: [[News in 2011]], [[Reviews]], [[:Category:Publications|Publications]], [[:Category:Websites|Websites]], [ IF URLs], and [ Brass Lantern Game News].)''

==Competitions &amp; Contest News==
===What's Hot===
<!-- (No comps are currently in their voting/judging phase.) -->
* [[Grand Prix 2011]]. Voting deadline: May 1, 2011. Organizer: [[Maximilian Kalus]].
* [[Spring Thing 2011]]. Six games! Voting deadline: Sunday May 15, 2011, 11:59 PM EDT. Organizer: [[Greg Boettcher]].
===Results of Recent Competitions===
(Most recent comps are listed first.)
* [[XYZZY Awards 2010]] ([]) had its awards ceremony on [[ifmud]] on February 26th. A record seven awards including Best Game went to ''[[Aotearoa]]'' ([[Matt Wigdahl]]; Glulx). Congratulations, Matt!
* [[Inventure 2011]]. A mini-competition on inverting / subverting IF puzzles and tropes. No entries were submitted. Organizer: [[Christos Dimitrakakis]].
* [[Ectocomp 2010]], an [[ADRIFT]] 3-hour comp for Hallowe'en. Winner: ''[[Pete's Punkin Junkinator]]'' ([[DCBSupafly]]). Organizer: [[Jason Guest]].
* [[16th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition]] a.k.a. [[IF Comp 2010]]. 26 games! Winner: ''[[Aotearoa]]'' ([[Matt Wigdahl]]; Glulx). Organizer: [[Stephen Granade]].
* [[InsideADRIFT Summer Competition 2010]] (for ADRIFT games). Seven games. Winner: ''[[Aegis]]'' ([[Jacqueline H.]] as "Lumin"). Organizer: [[Ken Franklin]].
* [[IntroComp 2010]] had nine games! The winner? ''[[Tourist Trap]]'' ([[Iain Merrick]]; Z-code). Organizer: [[Jacqueline A. Lott]].
* [[2010 Spring Ting]] (for ADRIFT games by non-registered users of ADRIFT). Two games entered. Winner: ''[[Wes Garden’s Halting Nightmare]]'' ([[Jubell]]). Organizer: [[Po. Prune]].
* [[MetaFilter Interactive Fiction Contest 2010]] released 3 games. Winner: ''[[Time For Tea]]'' ([[kaibutsu]]; Z-code). Organizer: [[Deathalicious]].
* [[2010 AIF Mini-comp]]. Four games entered. Winner: ''[[Once Upon a Dream]]'' ([[Purple Dragon]]; Glulx). Organizer: [[A. Bomire]].
* [[@party competition]]. Two games entered. Winner: ''[[Hoist Sail for the Heliopause and Home]]'' ([[Andrew Plotkin]]; Z-code).
* [[CYOA competition]]. For [[CYOA]] games. No games released; competition was abandoned. Organizer: [[Aina Grey]].
* [[TWIFcomp]]: A competition for tweet-sized interactive fiction (up to 140 characters). Winner: ''[[GT by @|> by @]]'' ([[Aaron A. Reed]]; Z-code). Organizer: [[Jack Welch]].
* [[Grand Prix 2010]] for short German IF games.  Winner: ''[[Ares]]'' ([[Michael Baltes]]; Glulx). Organizer: [[Maximilian Kalus]].
===Upcoming Competitions===
Authors should be working on their entries for:
* [[The Challenge]] (for ADRIFT games). Submission deadline: April 22, 2011. Voting deadline: April 30, 2011, 11:59 PM. Organizer: [[Finn Rosenløv]].
* [[2011 AIF Mini-comp]] for short [[AIF]] games. Submission deadline: Monday, May 16, 2011, 9:00 a.m. CST.
* [[IntroComp 2011]]. Intent deadline: May 31, 2011, 23:59 EST. Submission deadline: June 30, 2011, 23:59 EST. Organizer: [[Jacqueline A. Lott]].
* [[@party competition 2011]]. Remote entry deadline: June 13, 2011. Onsite entry deadline: June 18, 2011, 12:30 PM.
''(See also: [[:Category:Competitions]] and [[:Category:Minicomp]].)''


Latest revision as of 14:54, 6 March 2023

This page is no longer updated. All of the contents on this page are set out in News in 2011, News in 2012 and News in 2013.

Game Releases

September 2012 Game Releases

July 2012 Game Releases

June 2012 Game Releases

April 2012 Game Releases

March 2012 Game Releases

December 2011 Game Releases

November 2011 Game Releases

Thanksgiving Speed-IF

Thanksgiving Speed-IF released 6 games on 27-Nov:

October 2011 Game Releases

IF Comp 2011

IF Comp 2011 released 38 games on 01-Oct:

July 2011 Game Releases

IntroComp 2011

IntroComp 2011 released 13 games on 01-Jul:

May 2011 Game Releases

Non-competition games

2011 AIF Mini-comp

2011 AIF Mini-comp released 7 games on 19-May:

Indigo New Language Speed-IF

Indigo New Language Speed-IF released 10 games on 07-May:

April 2011 Game Releases

Non-competition games

The Challenge

The Challenge released 3 games on April 24:

Speed-IF Jacket 4

Speed-IF Jacket 4 released 8 games on April 16:

Spring Thing 2011

Spring Thing 2011 released 5 games on April 4:

March 2011 Game Releases

PAX East 2011 Speed-IF

(See also Games Released in 2012.)

News and Reviews

News and Reviews in January 2013

News and Reviews in February 2012

News and Reviews in June 2011

News and Reviews in April 2011

News and Reviews in February 2011

News and Reviews in January 2011

(See also: News in 2011, Reviews, Publications, Websites, IF URLs, and Brass Lantern Game News.)